Qantas has a negative cash flow - use your points fast?
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 08 Aug 2013
Total posts 7
I believe that Qantas to day has a negative cash flow, which means the clousure could be very soon, use your ponts fast
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 04 Oct 2012
Total posts 147
They won't close fully, they always have their domestic golden triangle routes which people will continue to use. Admittedly though, I expect a major cull to international routes.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 29 Jun 2013
Total posts 317
get a life will you !! and stop rumor mungering,Qantas is not in any trouble,and is now in a restructering mode,support AUSTRALIAN companys.your points are safe,Qantas has has one off the most profitable F/Fyer clubs in the world and as such is worth billions and could be sold off independently
Member since 01 Feb 2012
Total posts 221
Umm, are you just trying to be sensationalist or do you just not understand what negative cash flow means?
It does not mean they are out of cash or have negative assets, it just means they're running at a cash loss at the moment. It's still not a good sign but closure is not imminent.
However, this kind of thing does make me think whether its worthwhile aiming for lifetime gold. People's nationalism can only stand in the way of globalisation and healthy capitalism for so long before economic reality catches up. The only way Qantas can continue operating in the long run is by taking advantage of the lack of competition in the domestic market, since internationally it cannot compete.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 22 Nov 2013
Total posts 14
Working in the industry, QF is practically impossible to sell, when their competitors for both Europe, Asia and the Americas are far superior in terms of price and service.
It will be interesting ot see how this all pans out...
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 19 Jun 2013
Total posts 4
Want as will never close as a brand. EVER! Will they downsize ? Yes! Do they need to focus on domestic and only keep main intl routes like (LAX, LHR via DXB, DFW, AKL, HKG, JNB...) and cull the non busy ones?? YES. Yes we all know they are doing a needed switcheroo and that always puts any company in the red. It's very hard and they are on top of it and will come up in the end. But they will never 'close'. An icon never dies, it changes.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 19 Jun 2013
Total posts 4
'Qantas' not 'want as'
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 04 Oct 2012
Total posts 147
Does anyone have any speculation on exactly what routes they will likely close. I am expecting an end to LAX - JFK, or atleast a reduction in capacity. I have been on that route atleast 4 times in the last 12 months and it seems to have less passengers each time.
I also expect the cancellation of one of the SYD - SIN routes per day.
I think the OP needs explaining that a negative cashflow is not a representation of the profit of the business. It is merely an indicator of how much they have spent compared to how much they have earnt!
Member since 12 Apr 2013
Total posts 1,032
You can expecet anything, but it is very unlikelly that Qantas get of the market. Saying that I suggest to use points fast - it is not problem with existence of Qantas, but indeed with existance od points; I would not be surprised if AJ get on points as well.