Qantas seat allocation

4 replies



Member since 18 Oct 2012

Total posts 71

Hi All - Qantas seat allocation question. I'm coming home on QF 22 in a couple of days on an economy ticket & I'm QF gold currently; initially I was auto allocated into 40c which is the front row of y - I was happy with this. This morning I jumped into manage my booking and had the ability to allocate my self 35a which is in the premium economy cabin. Has anyone else experienced his kind of thing? Have I actually just upgraded myself. I note that the flight seems to be heavily booked in all cabins.


Member since 11 Mar 2012

Total posts 160

Without checking the Seatmap yes you could go into a Y+ seat and get Y service.  Good luck if it happens.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,029

Upgrade for free? Congrats, it is rarely happens! Seems like pab2025 has very reasonable explanation.


Member since 25 Jun 2012

Total posts 134

This seems to be that they are using an older 747 that hasnt been refitted with the new seats. This has happened to me a couple times before, once purchasing a PE ticket and sitting in business, and once purchasing an economy ticket, but being able to sit in PE.

It is because some of the business class passengers are seated in the old first (as they dont sell first any longer on this route) and so everyone gets bumped up a little.

wilsoni Banned

wilsoni Banned

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Sep 2011

Total posts 302

The downside is that if they get full or overbooked in J/PE you'll find yourself in 67E because that's all that's left!

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