Has anyone who applied for Etihad status match before they changed rules,been accepted and received card?

7 replies


Member since 25 Jun 2013

Total posts 46

Has anyone who applied for Etihad status match before they changed rules,been accepted and received card?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 22 Aug 2013

Total posts 121

No card yet. Still basic level as per their website too


Member since 01 Feb 2012

Total posts 221

Yep, me neither.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Jan 2013

Total posts 20

My status on the Etihad website is showing as "Matching Gold" and it shows in my activities "Gold Card dispatched" on 23rd February. Looks like they matched to my Velocity Gold :)


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Dec 2012

Total posts 157

Same as Chris but matched to Platinum.


Velocity Platinum

Member since 10 May 2013

Total posts 93

I applied on the day it was announced on AUSBT, still no email from them or update on my profile.


Member since 03 Jan 2012

Total posts 62

Same as tronek for me, I applied on the day it was announced on AUSBT, still no email from them or update on my profile either.


Member since 12 Mar 2014

Total posts 115

Has anyone had success in having status from a non-EY partner matched (eg QFF)?

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Has anyone who applied for Etihad status match before they changed rules,been accepted and received card?

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