Looking to book return flights to Hong Kong with SQ via the SQ or VA websites, aiming to clock up some SCs in order to requalify for Platinum with VA.

6 replies


Member since 05 May 2012

Total posts 12

Looking to book return flights to Hong Kong with SQ via the SQ or VA websites, aiming to clock up some SCs in order to requalify for Platinum with VA. Any advice on whether it is better to book through the SQ or VA website? (difference being VA code on SQ metal or SQ code on SQ metal)


Member since 12 Jul 2013

Total posts 28

While in terms of SC both will net in the same number, if you need to have a sector count only way is to book on a VA flight number.


Member since 12 Jul 2013

Total posts 28

also, you will get bonus 100% points on VA ticket number :)


Member since 09 May 2011

Total posts 177

For Status Credits, remember that *most* Singapore Airlines entry level "flexi saver" fares are cheaper by booking through the SQ site, and earn at the "Full Economy" rate. The entry level fares for SQ flights on VA codes are roughly the same price, but earn at the "Discount Economy" rate.

So basically, book through SQ - all their fares now earn status credits, but you can still get "full economy" fares for cheaper than VA savers.

That said, if you're looking at business class, you should compare the fares, and get whatever's cheaper.

There's currently a bonus promotion for SQ or MI-coded fares -- a 50% bonus for economy, and a 100% bonus for Business or First. Go sign up on the Velocity web site.

Remember you'll *always* get a points bonus if you book on a VA code based on your status.

Hope these help!


Thai Airways International - Royal Orchid Plus

Member since 15 Jan 2013

Total posts 105

Book via the SQ site they also if booked via an agency give you a fortnight oto pay while VA fares are all instant purchase.The point earning thing is identical on most fares but also be careful of the booking classes.I booked all mine before IN M.But also check if H OR W ARE QUALIFIABLE.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 13 Jul 2013

Total posts 2

i'd book through VA if i was you. I did a trip BNE-MEL-SIN-HKG all return in J class for abit over 4K last yr (this included 3/4 flights with SQ on A380) & i earnt approx 520 SC and over 30k velocity points (was VA gold at the time so earnt bonus on top of this).

I was flexible with dates and didn't mind travelling and connecting as mostly did this long trip for the SC & points but i also love travelling. Hope this helps!


Member since 05 May 2012

Total posts 12

Thank you all for your responses - ended up with CX outbound in Y (schedule, price, direct) to HKG, CX to DPS, then returning DPS to SYD via MEL and PER, all in J on VA - VA component of trip will net 240SCs for $1k. Booked via Vayama.

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