Bought a ticket overseas and cancelled the return ticket here in Perth.

8 replies


Member since 06 Jun 2014

Total posts 4

Bought a ticket overseas and cancelled the return ticket here in Perth. Emirates told me they can't refund me here and I have to return to have the refund back! It's been 2 years and nothing happened. Any suggestion?


Member since 03 Jan 2012

Total posts 62

Sorry to hear.  But you're wasting your time.  I was refused boarding on an EK flight from Dubai to Moscow, after being allowed to board in Perth - when the gate security (who spoke little English) refused to accept I had a valid Russian entry visa. After being deported (paying for the flight myself) and losing out on several days work in Moscow I complained and demanded refund when I got back to Australia.  Russian Consulate confirmed I was valid to travel.  After many months, EK simply wrote that "I voluntarily chose not to fly at the gate and was offloaded."  Yeah, right.  Like that is what really happened.  They're just a lying con airline and should be avoided by Australian travellers at all costs.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Sep 2013

Total posts 317


Without knowing all the details its difficult to say unless you provide all details of the purchase such as ticket class purchased,c card,insurance,ect.May be someone at David can look at your case,and  refer your matter to an Australian regional manager for Emirates and may be just may be you could get a courtesy refund. 

Good luck!


Member since 06 Jun 2014

Total posts 4

Thanks David.

It was economy class and refundable with insurance and purchased by cash. They are actually 3 tickets and the other 2 were for my wife and my daughter. Now after 3 years, I am still waiting for a refund!

How can I send the details for Emirates regional manager? I guess my next option would be the consumer protection law but not sure.


Member since 06 Jun 2014

Total posts 4

I mean, Robert!


Member since 16 May 2014

Total posts 79

I would find out who the regional manager is email/write to them. 

See what response you get, if there is not luck with that. I would contact the WA consumer protection hotline. They can give advice and also in some situations help mediate between parties to get an outcome.

I would check my T&Cs on the ticket and if you were allowed to refund etc. If it was a part of the ticketing conditions then I cant see why not. Normally there is something in that.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Jun 2013

Total posts 317

If you purchased a discounted economy ticket,it may be a non refundable ticket which many are .there for check your ticket and the condition of sale .if it states refundable then you are entitled to a refund if not you are not entitled to a refund simple!!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Sep 2013

Total posts 317

Merc25 agreed,

I am aware of several AA ff flyers that have got courtesy up grades because they say thy did not understand the fare rules.They are all Plat ff with AA but i say to you with your status with QF try it if needed as a valued customer you may get your way.But is Qantas in 2014.


Member since 06 Jun 2014

Total posts 4

They were three ordinary economy refundable tickets with no special refund policy or restriction on the country of refund.

The T&C did not indicate any special confition. I did follow the instruction given in Emirates website for cancelling them and as per that T&C and long eoungh (about a month!) before the flight time. Believe me, there is nothing special other than the country these tickets were issued in. Emirates say, they have restriction of money trnasfer from country A to B!

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