Who else is sick of trolls taking over AusBT?
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Who else is sick of trolls taking over AusBT?
Member since 15 Apr 2011
Total posts 216
Who else is sick of trolls taking over AusBT?
This is not a personal attack on anybody in particular.
I have been a long term supporter of the site, and think it is great that it has gained so much traction over the last few years. It is a fantastic resource for travellers in this country, and hats off to David and the team (both current and past) who have made it so successful.
However, I have been bitterly disappointed by how far standards have been allowed to slip this year. This used to be a place to share/read about news, experiences, tips etc but has become something of a soapbox for some people. In my experience, these people are generally looking only for a reaction rather than looking to make a positive contribution to the site.
I think that the moderators need to take a tougher stance on posts that fail to make a positive contribution, as alluded to in the commenting policy. Does anybody else agree or am I on my own here?
I also think that some basic communication standards (spelling and grammar) need to be enforced, but that's a whole other issue.
Member since 20 May 2014
Total posts 91
Mate, it sounds like you've lost the 'Spirit of Australia'
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Sep 2013
Total posts 317
I agree with the kid.Just what is the standard AM.Why one can not make a comment on subject and have one liners come in..and then they hide under the cloke of management,edititorial and your so called communications standards.This site Sir is served well because people have the right to state there comments.If you do not like it go to another site.
Member since 11 Mar 2012
Total posts 160
I think the comment was more directed towards those that come in with one train of thought/message and constantly pound that message in and completely dismiss and/or disregard any alternative views.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 04 Nov 2011
Total posts 236
Mention troll and look who appears?
Member since 25 Sep 2013
Total posts 376
That's its name, don't wear it out. ;)
Member since 25 Sep 2013
Total posts 376
"I think that the moderators need to take a tougher stance on posts that fail to make a positive contribution, as alluded to in the commenting policy. Does anybody else agree or am I on my own here?
I also think that some basic communication standards (spelling and grammar) need to be enforced, but that's a whole other issue."
I agree with both these statements.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Sep 2013
Total posts 317
You are miss guided,but continue to hide under the cloke.Can you just add something than 6 lines of rant.May be another one liner.
Doubleplatinum Banned
Doubleplatinum Banned
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum
Member since 07 Feb 2013
Total posts 431
I think "taking over" is a bit of an exaggeration
Member since 15 Apr 2011
Total posts 216
Yes, on reflection 'taking over' was probably a bit harsh. The vast majority of people here are awesome, it's just easy to forget that when one ot two pop up saying the same things endlessly.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,029
I'm not sure I would agree that anybody has 'taken over AusBT', in the first instance, let alone 'trolls'. But I'm willing to put that aside and hear what more readers have to say on this issue.
PS Robert: this is a gentle reminder about not sledging. If you disagree with a post, by all means say so, but do so with good grace and with reasons why you disagree – reckon you can do that?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Sep 2013
Total posts 317
David i will cut sledging.I only ask some of my statements are not edited or removed, but one line nothing statements by some others survive on site and appear not to be edited or removed.
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
am, perhaps you need to visit SGBT instead? I'm quite sure if such a site exist, Singapore Business Traveller (SGBT) would have very conforming editorials and input from the public that has been vetted and screen to within an inch of its life :)
Member since 15 Apr 2011
Total posts 216
Well that sounds far more civilised!
Member since 21 Apr 2012
Total posts 2,058
And good grammar too. Heavens forbid the locals using a naturally evolved dialect like Singlish in such forums... That certainly wouldn't be conformist would it?
I bet you noticed my incorrect grammar in the post before. It's suppose to be screened not screen :)