New Business Suite -- Looks brilliant and I think it will be great.

3 replies


Member since 26 May 2012

Total posts 131

New Business Suite -- Looks brilliant and I think it will be great. Very classy. However, does the end of the bed rest on a platform or will it hang in the air? To illustrate that better, the end of the bed on Cathay's Business seat rests on a kind of ottoman whereas the Newson Skybed MK2 hangs in the air and droops a bit.

undertheradar Banned

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 234

the seat extends flat to meet up with an 'ottoman' (which is under the side bench area of the seat in front) per other airlines that use this seat the seat manufacturer .. the Vantage XL is the newest version of the Vantage's a BASE/OFF THE SHELF PRODUCT..and ANY airline can customize the seat/surrounds to meet their requirements

undertheradar Banned

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 234

BTW.. the ottoman/foot space on this seat is actually less restrictive than the 'herringbone/reverse herringbone' seats that other airlines use


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

We've got some snaps of the base-model Vantage XL in this article.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on New Business Suite -- Looks brilliant and I think it will be great.

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