Is it only me or are other people sick of lazy questions here ?

10 replies



Member since 17 Dec 2013

Total posts 18

Is it only me or are other people sick of lazy questions here ? Questions that you could find out the answer to yourself if you bothered to try. If I was David, I would be delete, delete, delete, delete. If you want to know what lunch is in row 67 on QFwhatever next week, look it bloody up.


Member since 19 Sep 2015

Total posts 11

Thank goodness you aren't David. I'm sure all of us are sorry for not being as intelligent and search-savvy as you ;)

If you're sick of these "lazy" questions, at least define what "lazy" means to you. This Q and A page is a great way to streamline the process of gathering information from a variety of thoughtful people who know tips and tricks of the trade much better than most. I'd call that efficient rather than lazy, but it's apparent that you're much smarter than me. Right? 

If you don't appreciate these so-called "lazy" questions being such a clutter to the questions page, your best bet at solving what you think is bad probably isn't to clutter the page up further with complaints. C'mon, really?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Dec 2014

Total posts 191

AusBT is a community page, no matter what your understanding of flying. People want human to human advice, something tailored especially to your question.


Take for example buying a Suit. Would you rther buy it pre-fitted or have tailored to you?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 17 Sep 2015

Total posts 7

if we just ignore this guy he will leave. Uneccesary attention seeking. Definetely agree with you Tom.

undertheradar Banned

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 234

Totally agree B.Andrew.  That's why I rarely, if ever, provide answers to most on here, and on many other sites. I refuse to be someones PA (personal assistant/lacky) when it's blantantly obvious when someone is just too damn lazy(stupid? to do some research.  Mostly I just 'guide' them to an area to help them find the answer they are looking for....'teach a man to  But sadly, this is what the internet has turned some people in to...lazy/dumb non


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Jun 2013

Total posts 317

We all ask and answer silly !! Questions thats what life is about ! Never close the door on people less fortunate than your self . Always help others where you can .


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

B. Andrew. Can you prove that they have not looked it up?

Or are you simply labelling anyone who is not skilled in using search engines as being lazy?

Personally I find your half-baked assumptions as being somewhat lazy.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Jan 2015

Total posts 94

How do i find out what is for lunch on my qf flight next week actually? I have never been able to find out what is available.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Jan 2015

Total posts 94

Seriously guys, is there a way to find out what meals QF are serving on their flights?



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

You can find plenty of things that advertised on air freighters websites. However some people after personal experience. If you sick of those "lazy" questions then just ignore them. Posting rant about "lazy” questions is most lazy thing that I ever seen.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 01 Apr 2015

Total posts 39

B. Andrew, you've gone very quiet, perhaps you're too lazy to check your notifications?

Also, I think you mean "were" rather than "was".


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