Qantas mentions in UK paper perth to london direct with 787 in two years

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Member since 16 May 2014

Total posts 79

Qantas mentions in UK paper perth to london direct with 787 in two years


Before perth haters get going massive expat population could be interested. Be interesting if it did not sure 18hours would be fun


Qantas - QFF Platinum

Member since 20 Mar 2012

Total posts 123

As far as most people seem to be shuddering at the thought of 18 hours on a plane, the plan is not without merit.

From 2020 onwards QFs ops for international and domestic flights in Perth will be in one terminal and QF will have a substantial 789 fleet. The idea of a (relatively) short from almost all corners of AU to Perth and next stop London appeals to me being East Coast based and I think that is what QF are thinking.

There are many fans of the carrier and the brand and most people want to fly them but the problem for most is that they don't fly where the pax always want to go. By ensuring that all pax to London (and lets not forget Frankfurt, Paris and other potential ports etc) are carried QF the whole way through on their favoured airline is win win.

The Emirates partnership can also enhance and support this with MEL & SYD (& BNE potentially) - DXB rotations then onwards on EK to other ports in EU in a similar fashion to what AA does to N. America

As much as some people enjoy the opportunity to have a break in between long haul flights I believe the circling, landing, taxiing, disembarking, wandering around airport/lounge, boarding, taxiing, taking off cycle merely reinforces the taxing nature of long haul travel rather than creating any tangible benefits.


Member since 10 Mar 2011

Total posts 137

I'm not entirely convinced that it is actually being "planned". It does "open" it up and I'm sure it will be looked into but I highly doubt it will eventuate within two years.

Goodness knows why they used a photo of an old 767 as part of the article when Qantas don't even have them anymore.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 12 Jul 2014

Total posts 79

A hypothetical article written by a person with very little aviation knowledge, read by people with even less of an idea.

Probably could have but a Constetation of Comet photo and most readers here in the UK would still have had no idea. I still meet people who are shocked to find out that the Concrod no longer flies.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

The concord no longer flies? What!?!


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

It has been suggested. But as noted that it won't happen before QF's domestic/international operations are located on same side on airport (which will supposedly happen sometime after 2020). Also, been mentioned that an alternate airport needs to be found too!

There is some merit in a Perth hub for some flights to the West of Australia. 

But, who really knows what happens in 5 years +? It is very likely that QF will have a different CEO and Chairman by then and the way aviation changes...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 456

The elephant in the room is the alternate airport option for Perth...there basically isn't one unless you want to count the little used RAAF Learmonth AFB as a suitable alternative...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 12 Jul 2014

Total posts 79

Now its hit our shores:


Member since 28 Nov 2012

Total posts 19

If not London, how would Paris or Berlin go? 

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