Rumour: Etihad to join Star Alliance?

9 replies


Member since 21 Apr 2012

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CEO of EY and LH doing a press conference today. Announcement may include EY joining Star Alliance. 

It's all rumours for now. But what do people  think? 
If this does happen, is it enough for VA to drop its infatuation with DL and join Star Alliance?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 08 Aug 2016

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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Oct 2013

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I doubt it... EY love playing their own game but you never know what will happen. I think the more likley thing would be a partnership between EY and LH.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

Nope. This is a presser between Etihad and Lufthansa, so it'll be something between those two airlines specifically, not Etihad joining Star Alliance.


Member since 06 Sep 2015

Total posts 13

no. Etihad part owns Air Berlin which is a one world member. unless Etihad intend to give us this stake


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 07 Dec 2014

Total posts 55

LOL ... this rumor turned out to be completely BS.

They announced a maintenance and catering partnership.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,028

Yes, and this is exactly why we pay little heed to 99% of rumours!


Member since 31 Mar 2014

Total posts 285

What an extremely boring announcement 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Oct 2014

Total posts 412

Hmm, both an interesting EY/LH announcement and one which could have long-term strategic consequences. Clearly, there has been minimal evidence of EY working co-operatively with Star players so the likelihood of EY 'joining Star Alliance' was little more than a pipe-dream. LH (through LH Teknic) do maintenance worldwide for many carriers and the LH 'LSG Services' group is also a major catering force. Such an agreement is not unusual. Nor is it a pre-cursor to joining Star. IIRC, QF at one stage had LH Teknic in the Philippines service A380's.

However, perhaps this move towards LH by EY provides immediate benefits but is also part of a wider strategic plan?

  • We have seen EK (Emirates) disavow the 3 global alliances (OW, Star, Sky) in preference to forming it's own custom 'alliance' agreements (ie EK/QF and EK/JB JVA's). Selective and bespoke.
  • QR (Qatar) has chosen an opposite path, joining OW and taking a significant shareholding in both IAG (BA/IB) and LA (Latam). Join 'em and buy 'em?
  • EY has developed an investment philosophy of eclectic and agnostic proportions (AB in OW, AZ in Sky, VA in none etc) and has some holdings in a Baltic (Star) carrier. Whoops, which way are we headed?

To me, it is not such a stretch to think that EY may be trying to position itself strategically - for the longterm - by getting to 'know' LH regarding alliances. Playing 'catch-up' - just in case? Not unreasonable. With the CEO James Hogan and his COO soon to depart EY, perhaps the Board of Etihad or the new CEO may choose to review / revise the current 'investment' strategy - in order to cut costs? Such a move would probably reframe EY's attitude to how they approach 'alliances' .. and having some experience with a major player such as LH / Star may ultimately be of some benefit - down the track.

I agree with David's comments about dismissing 'rumours' - which generally are 'short-term' thought bubbles. But one must also watch longterm developments with external players for signs of things to come. Star membership for EY may - or may not - be on the horizon. But irrespective, the pairing of closer co-operation with the largest EU player will provide interesting commentary.

Last editedby kimshep at Feb 02, 2017, 12:24 PM.


Member since 09 Jul 2017

Total posts 4

Don't Etihad codeshare with lots of Skyteam airlines'?

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