JQ NZ domestic timeframe for crediting QFF SC and Points.

3 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 161

Hi All,

I recently took a Jetstar domestic flight in NZ between Christchurch and Auckland.  Whilst I found the pre-flight announcement that NZ liquor licensing laws prevented sale of alcohol before 8am slightly disconcerting, it was actually very pleasant and quiet flight. 

The flight was a week ago and I'm currently awaiting my Qantas Points+SC's which I'm keen to have in my account sooner rather than later. The official line from Jetstar is 6 weeks but my experience of flying with Jetstar in Australia is that the Points+SC's normally take about 2-3 days to get credited. I was wondering if anyone had any experience how long they normally take to make it across the Tasman for NZ domestic flights?



Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 459

I do AKL - WEL quite a bit and always take the upgrade option to get SC and QFF points - I normally get mine in my account within 48hrs. 

Might pay to give Qantas a call...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 161

Thanks Mark,
I did choose the upgrade, and have confirmed with Jetstar prior to posting that I had chosen and will be getting the sc's+ points. Your response backs up my thoughts on something potentially being amiss as I was expecting something to show up after about 48 hours.

In chasing missing points do you think it better to phone or just use the online form? I've seen anecdotal evidence on this site that sometimes they'll tell you to go away and wait the full 6 weeks before getting the QFF department involved.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2017

Total posts 43

Hey mate - am living in NZ at the moment and so am doing all my domestic travel with JQ. Many times the points have appeared immediately. I don't opt for the extra cash package which includes SC, I take the free bulk standard 400pts on the cheapest fare. My last journey though in Nov didn't auto include and I had to chase Qantas up over it. I chased them about 4 days post flying, points were there about a week later.

Point of reference - I've done a lot of comparison of QFF versus AirNZ AIRPOINTS, QFF is soooo much better value/better points per seat earntz quadruple in most instances. 

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on JQ NZ domestic timeframe for crediting QFF SC and Points.

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