Time taken for flights to appear on Velocity Account

5 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards Plantium

Member since 19 Jun 2013

Total posts 82

I have flown Virgin a few times over the last month, and not once has the flight details (SC and miles) appeared on my Velocity account without having to do a manual claim 14 days after the flight.  All flights were booked direct with VA, on VA metal and my Velocity details were entered at the time of booking.  Just wondering if anybody else is having the same issue as I currently am having.  


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Oct 2013

Total posts 765

Did your boarding pass have your velocity number on it?

Currently it's been taking around 8 days for VA operated flights to appear on Velocity (which is just poor).

Contrast this to VA Coded/SQ Operated which appear the next day. That being said I did have my VA number in one booking and I had to do the manual claim so I think it is a slight problem on their end.

Obviously something is messed up at VA when their own flights take 8 days to appear but partner flights take 1 day. 

TO VA : It's little things like this that annoy people and make them fly a different airline (QF are able to make miles appear sometimes just an hour after the flight has landed)


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards Plantium

Member since 19 Jun 2013

Total posts 82

Hi - thanks for your reply.  Yes boarding pass also had my velocity number and showed my Platinum status.  You made a good point, I had my SQ flight credited very quickly a couple of weeks ago.  Virgin really need to pick up their game on this.  I hate having to check every day to see if I have been credited flights taken.  Really is a waste of time for something I really should not have to do.  Also good point about QF.  I was on the LA to Melbourne flight two months ago, and status points / miles where showing on my QF account when I landed in Melbourne. 

TO VA: Henrus and I agree on this - this is VERY annoying for something that should not be an issue.  Also fact you STILL don't have a Android app I find amazing..  Pick up your game for your frequent flyers!!

Did your boarding pass have your velocity number on it?

Currently it's been taking around 8 days for VA operated flights to appear on Velocity (which is just poor).

Contrast this to VA Coded/SQ Operated which appear the next day. That being said I did have my VA number in one booking and I had to do the manual claim so I think it is a slight problem on their end.

Obviously something is messed up at VA when their own flights take 8 days to appear but partner flights take 1 day. 

TO VA : It's little things like this that annoy people and make them fly a different airline (QF are able to make miles appear sometimes just an hour after the flight has landed)


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Jul 2016

Total posts 16

I have exactly the same issue,fly business frequently with SQ and they are extremely prompt with adding points and SC's to my velocity account. Flying VA domestically its becoming ridiculous. I was happy with the old 24 hour wait on the update but now after 4 days I just ring them and get them to manually add them (I'm Platinum) My main gripe and argument with Velocity is any points used to redeem or upgrade etc are debited immediately whereas awarding is so slow.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 20 Jan 2016

Total posts 48

This seems to have become worse in the last few months,  I have several flights in the last six weeks that have taken over ten days to appear on my statement,  and my BNE-LAX flights from two weeks ago have yet to appear.  I understand that you might need to action a missing point claim for a partner airline,  but doing so for VA flights that have your velocity number clearly attached is pretty poor. 


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 06 Apr 2012

Total posts 95

I'm finding the same as well.  The VA flights that I travelled on 2 weeks ago are yet to appear in my Velocity account.  The flights were booked on the virginaustralia.com web site and Velocity details were entered at time of booking.  The flights were on VA metal.

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