Qantas Boeing 787-9 business class: which seat?

5 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Jan 2013

Total posts 185

I am currently booked to sit in seat 5A on the qantas Dreamliner from LAX to MEL in December. With David’s recent review and the fact there is a missing window, am I better to give up the additional privacy and go to row 6 (all other more private J seats are already full) or stay at row 5 with extra privacy and hope another seat opens up? I have checked expert flyer and it looks like 1K is blocked at the moment and have set up an alert for rows 1,3,7 in case anything else opens up. Thanks in advance all!


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 190

take ear plugs


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Jul 2013

Total posts 70

Long flight with not much to look at..... Wonder if the lack of window is an 'ac' duct (which might be noisy). Otherwise I'd just lean forward when you want to look out the window....


Member since 03 Sep 2017

Total posts 26

I have flown in a seat with no window from SIN to FRA. Can't say I like it. Especially when it was the exit row (bulkhead) where I can't see rows further up and their windows. It kinda feels a little claustrophobic. During the flight I was imagining this could be how a flight to Mars might be.

A couple of hours in eventually I managed to move to a middle aisle seat (still no window) by felt much better.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 834

You still have a window towards the seat in front.

I'd also consider the even window seats.

Goat Guy

Member since 03 May 2017

Total posts 15

Row 1 A and K look to be the winners except for the fact that the bassinets are there for the middle seats. (17 hrs of a baby crying might upset a few P1's if they were being used) Row 1 has more foot room and a neat little drawer under the screen to hold phones etc. The second half of business looks like it is to be avoided, toilets at the front of it means that the PE guys will be marching through. Interestingly row 10A is on the aisle and 10K is against the window so if you are in the back half of J you need to be careful on which seat you pick.

The economy seats are really tight. Tried sitting with 3 of us and shoulders were touching. Good luck with that for 17 hrs.

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