BA A380 Awful J class seats

4 replies

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 272

I was having a look at Business Class seats on Youtube the other day and saw a review of the BA A380 Business Class. What appalling seats they are! That layout of two seat alongside each other with one facing rearwards has to be the worst layout I have ever seen and the review was scathing of that in particular. How on earth could anyone design such a stupid layout .The access for the window seats seats looks rather tight and if it weren't for that divider the privacy would be very poor indeed. With the divider up the isle seats cant get much of a view. I have not travelled in BA in these seats as it's only an observation but from the many reviews I have since checked on these seats get an appalling review form almost everyone. The food and service does not do much better either. It sure makes me ensure I stay well clear of BA Business , SQ or CX are so far in front as are almost all of the other Airlines.I would be interested to hear from those who actually have travelled in them.


Member since 07 Jan 2011

Total posts 207

We recently reported on 2 things BA is working on:

The issues with BA's seats are well documented and the upgrade can't come soon enough.

My personal 3 dislikes are:

1) Divider screen with passenger next to you

2) Complete lack of storage space when seated

3) Very limited privacy in aisle seats

I find the seat to make a decent bed and have clocked 5-8 hours sleep on some legs with them. Also, the storage space in the side compartments on the A380 do help offset the lack of seat storage.

Personally, I think BA management were too busy in the early part of this decade creating the new corporate structure of IAG to care about the passenger experience. They expected their cash cow routes of London-USA to continue funding them and the American airlines to continue their mediocre service levels.

Unfortunately for them, the American airlines have been heavily investing in product and service and are a vastly improved option to fly trans-Atlantic.

Last editedby sid at Nov 11, 2017, 11:33 AM.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 09 Aug 2016

Total posts 12

it beggars belief that BA carried this awful J product onto their 787 fleet.

John Phelan

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 261

Remember this was the very first flat bed in Business class, back in 1999/2000. But it has fallen away in comparison with more recent offerings. Having said that, if you get a window seat, then it is very private and I have no trouble whatsoever having a decent sleep. I've been choosing to fly BA rather than on the QF A380, because I dislike the Skybed seats with their lack pf privacy and storage.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 384

Dennis Bunnik on YouTube has made an amusing video about these seats.

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