Time for VA/Hilton status match to come through

6 replies


Member since 14 Nov 2015

Total posts 54

I made VA Gold a few months ago and last week got around to activating my Gold membership with Hilton.

Does anybody have any reports of how long the status match takes to come through? I've got some bookings in about 10 days. Curious to see if I will get the Gold in time and hence the benefits.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Apr 2016

Total posts 36

I went to WP in january, elected Hilton diamond status as my bonus in February, but after no response from VA or Hilton, I emailed a week before Easter. Finally got diamond status last night. I’d suggest a phone call if you need the boost within 2 weeks.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Feb 2017

Total posts 10

In my experience with both getting Hilton Gold and diamond ,it doesn’t come through without calling va. but if you call before the 20 business days statutory waiting period they won’t action it with Hilton so I don’t think you’ll get it in time.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Aug 2014

Total posts 200

I too had to call VA after applying as it didn't come through for over a month.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Oct 2017

Total posts 39

Another for the call option - on both Hertz and IHG, then done within a few days.


Member since 24 Jun 2016

Total posts 9

I suggest you call them, highlight the time that already passed since you launched your application and ask them to fast track the process, given your upcoming stay. My gold membership with Hilton wasn't processed at all (VA said that they sent it to Hilton, Hilton confirmed that they never got it), and it took a number of phone calls, 6 weeks and a 4 nights stay at Double Tree in London with no status before VA were able to process this very simple perk.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 14 Mar 2017

Total posts 159

Mine has taken six weeks, then matched to the wrong tier...

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