? Delay in transferring JQ Plus and Max points to QFF

8 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Apr 2017

Total posts 8

Has anyone else experienced recent delay in points transfer from JQ Plus and Max to QFF?



Member since 28 Feb 2015

Total posts 28

Same here. I flew JQ J class out on 15Mar and returned on 21Mar. Am still waiting for the points & SC's. I've submitted a missing points claim, but still nothing.

Makes one reconsider whether QFF membership is worthwhile.


Member since 12 Sep 2017

Total posts 9

Takes 4-6 weeks usually. They are hopeless.


Member since 04 May 2018

Total posts 15

Takes 4-6 weeks usually. They are hopeless.

Yes that is how long it takes and it is hopeless. I have to take 4 JQ flights a month due to no QF available and it takes 4-6 weeks for QFF points and SC to post. Have questioned it with QFF and the answer is they send it to JQ and wait for a reply and that's all they can do.


Member since 12 Sep 2017

Total posts 9

Yes its BS - its not like they have to go to Air Koryo to get these points. Jetstar is an airline that they own. I don't see why this is all so hard. Is there a person who works at Jetstar one day a month, and has to get all these manually verified via excel spreadsheets comparing to paper passenger manifests ? Surely this has got to be automated.


Jetstar Airways - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 Feb 2018

Total posts 39

As someone who flies regularly from the Gold Coast, with Jetstar out of necessity due to Qantas' limited schedule from here, this is a constant bugbear of mine. Neither Qantas nor Jetstar is ever willing to take ownership of the issue.


Member since 12 Sep 2017

Total posts 9

Yep - I've been tweeting them about it, and have been told that it takes 4 weeks to process them. Alternative is this from their rep:

"To speed up the process of claiming this points from Jetstar, alternative option is providing a copy of your boarding pass and electronic ticket and send them through their email at [email protected]. Once you receive the SR reference number contact directly our Frequent Flyer team at 13 11 31, 7am-7pm, Monday to Saturday, so they can manually process the points for you."

OR (even better)

"We recommend to take more Qantas Flights in the future to avoid the wait. "

Good advice - but unfortunately not really useful for someone that doesn't live in a capital city, where the only available options are JQ or VA (or QF at an inconvenient time, or no QF at all).


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Apr 2017

Total posts 8

What process did you follow to get missing points resolved? Were you successful?


Jetstar Airways - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 Jun 2018

Total posts 5

In 19 Jet-star Flights this year - The shortest time to post was 25 days with several 3 Flights taking 52 days to post. It is a terrible service at present

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