Air NZ revamping business class

4 replies


Member since 30 Aug 2017

Total posts 2

Its reported that Air NZ is revamping business class. NZ Herald reported it here

Anyone knows more info?

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

They certainly need to upgrade their existing woeful business class seats. I reckon they are the amongst the worst there are .

Very narrow , claustrophobic , just ordinary IFE and very little privacy when sitting upright. Better than economy but way behind most other Business class seats. I really liked flying Business with Air NZ but give it a miss now because of these seats. The sooner they make a change the better!!!


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 01 Mar 2012

Total posts 204

I don't mind the 787 J "A" row, given that you don't look towards someone else and I have found it quite private sleeping. I may be against the grain however I find, especially if I am traveling for work (when I don't really want to be there), that the fully enclosed seats are a little claustrophobic for my liking; so I enjoy the NZ seats. It is why I can't stand the BA seats.

I know however that a lot of people here don't like them a lot and I can see for those who like to be enclosed why that is the case.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,029


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 12 Jul 2016

Total posts 14

Bring back a Mk2 version of the super sexy SPACESEATS for PE please!!!!!!!

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