Low Lactose Meal Business Class Mel - Frankfurt

3 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 27 Feb 2016

Total posts 10

Hi -

Wondering if anyone has experience ordering SQ's ''Low Lactose Meal'' Long-Haul. I'm flying business class Melbourne-Singapore-Frankfurt Return soon and wondering if it's worth it, or in fact any good. I'm allergic to dairy, but can usually pick around food on SQ/CX, carriers which often have dairy free options.

Any notes would be great.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Aug 2015

Total posts 78

Can't help on this specific scenario, but I tend to book a special meal in advance as a back-up and then order from the main menu if I'm comfortable enough that there's an option that meets my dietary requirements.


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

If you are allergic to dairy don't go low-lactose as it may still contain dairy.
If you have a mild lactose intolerance (e.g. you can still eat hard cheeses, Goats milks products etc) and can accept a low level of lactose then you are safe.

I have not experience with these SQ meals however don't want you to get sick.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 27 Feb 2016

Total posts 10


The low-lactose is pretty comprehensive, no milk, milk solids, cream, butter, cheese etc. as per their website.

I can *tolerate small amounts of hard cheese, but you know when you get a meal that is ''creamy soup, followed by something covered in cream, followed by cheesecake'' you're stuffed. I've generally found SQ catering in J pretty lactose-free-friendly, so was just going to wing in.

I've reached out to SQ, but all they can tell me is what is listed on their website. We booked with the cheap SAS via CPH flights in business, so want to make as much as we can out of the long-haul business class experience! Didn't want to end up with plain rice with extra plain rice on top!

For research purposes, I'm thinking about ordering low-lactose (This meal excludes foods which contain milk, dry milk solids, casein, cheese, cream, butter, lactose and margarine.) and reporting back to ET

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