Status credits flying Jetstar (with bundle)

4 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2017

Total posts 43

Good evening fellow avnerds and frequent fliers.

At the moment, I live in Cairns for work and am needing to go to Japan. Naturally the best way is to fly Jetstar (7hours in a jetstar plane haha save me).

I've gone ahead and purchased the Jetstar 'plus bundle' because QF frequent flier status and mileage points are inclusive (trying to get to Gold before June 30!!). Does one know at what rate on the QF's website calculator we earn status credits on this bundle (e.g. is it discount economy or usual economy fare)? No amount of googleíng has helped.

Jetstar also has a much better schedule between Cairns and Melbourne, so I'd be curious if anyone has experience using this domestically as well.

Thanks so much in advance for any input. Cheers x


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 161

Have a look at the Qantas airline earning table which sets out how the Jestar bundles equate to the various Qantas fare categories. You should then go to the calculator to check the earn rate.

Having a quick look at the table it seems the following currently applies (please confirm this yourself though on the Qantas website, look for the line below the calculator which states ‘see how Qantas and Jetstar fare types alight to the various Qantas frequent flyer earn categories') International with a JQ flight number Economy Starter Plus = QF Economy, Economy Starter Max = QF Flexible Economy, and the Business Max Bundle = QF Business.

Jetstar Domestic with a JQ flight number. Economy Starter = QF discount Economy, Economy Starter plus = QF Economy, and the Economy Starter Max = QF Flexible economy.

Last editedby Theresnormissin at Jan 07, 2020, 09:21 PM.
Last editedby Theresnormissin at Jan 09, 2020, 04:12 PM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Mar 2012

Total posts 198

Jetstar run the Dreamliner a couple of times a week between Cairns and Melbourne. Business tickets are generally very reasonable and the bundles make them easy QF status runs. Would recommend these if you can schedule for them.


Member since 01 Nov 2017

Total posts 13

CNS-NRT on Plus bundle would be 40 status credits (as per the calculator). Economy Max would be 60 and Business Max would be 130. I got 130 SCs earlier this year when I did KIX-CNS on business max, then another 30 SCs from CNS-SYD (flexible economy as no business on this flight).


Member since 28 Mar 2018

Total posts 27


I used to live in Cairns and often flew JQ because of the better schedules. It's always a personal preference, but getting the full QF experience with lounges etc would often require a connection or time compromise.

I also prefer JQ for the cabin service. QF have moved to double catering on CNS routes. That means if a plane flies SYD-CNS-SYD, the meals for the round trip are loaded in SYD. As the galley space is unchanged, the meals are half the size even though all QF's CNS flights are 2-3 hours long. As I've often stepped off QF CNS flights hungry, I much prefer JQ's larger meals which are bought on board or pre ordered online.

If you get a JQ 787 domestic tag, it's actually a nice way to travel to CNS. You can't beat the views of the Great Barrier Reef from those large windows!

Happy flying.

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