Is classic rewards upgrade still available for international.
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Is classic rewards upgrade still available for international.
Etihad - Etihad Guest
Member since 17 Jun 2019
Total posts 5
Hey guys,
My bro seems to think they've cancelled this for bronze status?
Also looking at flying to Paris for a week in July. Any tips? Either using points or other airlines. Seems Qatar is the best at the moment but would be nice to go into the lottery for an upgrade.
Phil Young
Phil Young
Member since 22 Oct 2012
Total posts 262
You cannot use Qantas Points to request a points upgrade on another airline. His only option is to find a reward seat on an airline to Paris, though at Bronze status the likelihood is low. His chances of getting a reward seat would have been higher if he'd started looking in September last year.