Am thinking of doing an around the world trip from Melb.

3 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Apr 2012

Total posts 186

Am thinking of doing an around the world trip from Melb. Would you guys fly East to LA, NY, London, Dubai and then back?

or would you fly West and go Melb, Dubai, London, NY, LA and then back?

Do you actually fly better going a certain way? ie less Jetlag ?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Aug 2012

Total posts 67

Personally I would do U.S. first, I always do better going East for some reason? But thats just me.  Can't say I'm a frequent international flyer tho.(Only for Holidays and rarely for business, which suits me fine with a young family)

P Conroy

Member since 10 Aug 2011

Total posts 3

I have done this a few times - my suggestion is to fly "with the sun". - Dubai first, then Europe,....etc  And if jet lag has an effect on you - it is a small inconvenience for the please of the trip itself.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

I did around the world trip few years ago. We went LA first - in this way you save 1 day arriving to LA EARLIER then leaving Melbourne! With careful planning and not cross too many time zones at once we almost have not been affected by jetlag. Melbourne - LA we arrived pretty OK. Week later LA - Toronto no problem at all. Another week later Toronto London and there was small effect of jetlag. Then another week later London - Tokyo no probs. And finally Tokyo - Sydney - Melbourne - frankly worst from jetlag POV, but arriving home we did not really care :-)

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