Nikon Z6, Z7 mirrorless cameras have Sony in their sights

By Bloomberg News, August 24 2018
Nikon Z6, Z7 mirrorless cameras have Sony in their sights

Nikon's new Nikon Z6 and Z7 full-frame mirrorless cameras seek to make up lost ground against Sony in the professional photography market.

The Z6 and Z7 represent Nikon's first full-frame play and feature new lenses and lens mount, as well as being lighter than the current pro-grade cameras.

The US$4,000 Z7, which will have a 45.7 megapixel sensor, will go on sale in late September, followed by the Z6, which will have 24.5 megapixels, cost US$2,400 and hit stores in November.

With Nikon’s entry, Sony will no longer have the only high-grade mirrorless cameras that excel at capturing sharp images of fast-moving objects.

“We will aim for the No. 1 spot in the mirrorless market,” said Nobuyoshi Gokyu, the chief of Nikon’s camera business.

Asked about how the Z-series will stack up against Sony’s Alpha line of full-frame mirrorless cameras, he touted its optical performance, including the lens mount, which allows for the use of older Nikon lenses, with an adapter in some cases. “We believe we can lead the future in mirrorless.”

Canon has also said that it’s considering its own model, setting the stage for a battle for professionals and enthusiasts.

Although smartphones have decimated digital-camera sales, the three Japanese companies benefit from the branding and sales boost that comes with being the main suppliers of high-end cameras and lenses for news and sports events.

“Mirrorless is no longer a niche product,” said Stephen Baker, a consumer-technology analyst at researcher NPD. “It offers advantages in size and weight and battery that make mirrorless a very competitive premium technology.”

While Nikon and Canon dominated the pro market for decades, first with film and then with digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, it’s becoming clearer that devices without the mirror-and-prism system offer significant benefits.

Thanks to advanced image sensors and sophisticated software, mirrorless systems can grab light faster and stay in focus, making it easier to capture crisp images of fast-moving objects.

Mirrorless cameras have been around for more than a decade, but Sony’s efforts in recent years to embed them with the larger full-frame image sensors – the chips that convert light particles into digital bits – have put them on par with SLRs in terms of picture quality.

The design also makes cameras lighter, smaller and quieter – important attributes for pro shooters. Nikon will continue making SLR cameras alongside the new devices, Gokyu said.

The new mirrorless designs have been a rare bright spot for the uS$11 billion industry, where digital camera shipments have plummeted 80 percent in the past decade, as more people use smartphones to take pictures.

Mirrorless cameras now account for about a third of the the sector’s revenue, up from 9 percent in 2012, according to industry body CIPA.

Nikon and Canon actually already offer mirrorless cameras, but they are aimed at consumers and amateur photographers.

Nikon had delayed a push into the full-frame mirrorless cameras on concerns that it would cannibalize its existing SLR lineup, according to NPD. As a result, Nikon’s share of the combined SLR and mirrorless camera has fallen to about a quarter, which is about half its position a decade ago, according to company estimates.

Industry insiders are expecting Nikon’s main rival Canon to unveil its own full-frame mirrorless camera soon, setting the stage for a three-way battle in the professional photography market. Other camera makers are also stepping up investment, with Fujifilm announcing last month it will boost lens production by 70 percent in 2020 due to growing demand for mirrorless cameras.

Also read: Sony's new super-fast cameras win over the pros against Canon, Nikon

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

12 Nov 2017

Total posts 20

Not sure if I quite agree with the title; 300 shot battery life, max of 5.5fps, a single card slot, and a dearth of lenses, means that the new Nikon is almost waving Sony good bye in the distance!

(p.s. I shoot Canon and am very envious of the new Sony A7).


14 Jan 2018

Total posts 4

Not to mention Leica also has mirrorless cameras too.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

31 Jan 2016

Total posts 88

Was thinking about upgrading, maybe not...yet...!!

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

22 Jul 2015

Total posts 219

Nikon playing catch up with Sony. If there is compatibility with nikkor lenses then definitely a player but if not there maybe just too much ground to make up

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