Qantas Phantom rewards seats

5 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Aug 2014

Total posts 206

I'm having an issue where when I search for business reward flights (Mel to Per in this case) I see below some flight the 'classic reward' symbol and the text From 41,500 Points. But when I click on the drop down to "Show Fares" there are only fares shown for 100,000's of points, or all fares showing no availability at all. Anyone else have this issue on the App? C'mon Qantas. Get it together.

Richard W

Singapore Airlines - KrisFlyer

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 88

Not quite on this specific topic but has anyone seen any rewards seats for international flights on Qantas or Emirates through the Qantas website?!



Member since 23 Oct 2015

Total posts 49

Similar issue. While trying to find any seats in first or business from Asia to the US, I came across 2 classic rewards first class flights on JAL from Tokyo to New York.

Went through the whole booking process, including credit card for fees, and ‘booked’. The screen shimmered and I found myself back at the search page - no booking, no cc deduction, and on checking no availability.

I think it’s just another case of a bad airline trolling us.


Member since 25 Jan 2020

Total posts 1

Yep, happens virtually every time I try to book a reward flight, app or desktop. The 7-day price comparison at the top would display a low fare that’s nowhere to be seen on the list. Sometimes you can find the flight with the corresponding fare and price, but would get “there was an error”. Searching for the same flight on the same date again, the fare would still be there, but never works. Either way, if you call, the advisors wouldn’t be able to see those flights either.

Honestly has been happening for as long as I can remember I got used to being disappointed lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 21 Jul 2019

Total posts 91

Catch-22 situation: you see availability and want to book, but the IT system is a hot mess. So you pick up the phone......and manage to grow a Rip van Winkle beard waiting to get through.



Member since 03 Sep 2014

Total posts 10

checking reward bookings for travel from Australia to Europe early 2022, very limited availability, no Emirates coming up, go to move the date to the next 7 days, comes up no flights, it seems the booking engine is all over the place

Last editedby VZ1_60 at May 25, 2022, 03:09 PM.

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