Malaysian Airlines Pathetic Customer Service

3 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 19 Jul 2017

Total posts 12

I wanted to share my recent experiences with Malaysian Airlines customer service. I was trying to rebook flights for a number of people using a credit from a previous booking. I am a QFF Platinum and have dealt with airlines for many years.

I reckon in total it took me about 6 hours trying to sort out a matter that could have been resolved in 10-15 minutes. I spoke to numerous clueless “customer service staff” 4 of which promised to call me back then never did. I had three or four 45 minute phone calls whilst put on hold then the lines became suspiciously disconnected. I was given false information on multiple occasions to get me off the call.

One lady I spoke to took all my contact details up front spoke to me for 45 minutes then when she couldn’t find what I was looking for the line went dead. I waited to be called back for 10 mins then called and asked for her by name to be told she had gone to lunch and will call me back. That was 28 hours ago.

The online booking system is similarly poor I booked separate flights for 5 different couples and every time had to re-enter all info at least once before finally getting a booking. I know times are tough with lots of vouchers being cashed in but this was clueless and exceedingly poor service. I felt they just wanted me to get off the line and go away with my problem. Anyone else had a similar experience?


British Airways - Executive Club

Member since 23 Mar 2018

Total posts 48

Sounds just like my experiences with Qantas, trying to do the same thing….


Member since 22 May 2011

Total posts 23

Don’t get me started on cebu pacific - has anyone actually been able to successfully select a seat and complete online check in??


Member since 26 Aug 2019

Total posts 17

Originally Posted by pungpui

Don’t get me started on cebu pacific - has anyone actually been able to successfully select a seat and complete online check in??

I had to change flights with them and their booking policy reflects differently to what they told me on phone. They also automatically add meals you can't deduct and have to book it and then ask for a refund they won't process. Absolutely nightmare but got majority sorted eventually.

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