Qatar flights not available in Oneworld RTW booking

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Member since 19 May 2024

Total posts 1

I'm trying to book a RTW ticket later in the year and it seems there are no QR flights available for any of my legs and QR isn't even available in the drop down where you select your preferred airline. Does anyone know what the reason is? I could have sworn they used to be available via the Oneworld RTW booking tool.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,025

Originally Posted by Miket80

I'm trying to book a RTW ticket later in the year and it seems there are no QR flights available for any of my legs and QR isn't even available in the drop down where you select your preferred airline. Does anyone know what the reason is? I could have sworn they used to be available via the Oneworld RTW booking tool.

Are you talking about paid or reward tickets? They fairly unavailable for rewards ticket since COVID began.

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