Evolution of cabin class products - are they good or bad?

11 replies


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Evolution of cabin class products - are they good or bad? Nowadays we see more amenities, PTVs and adjustable headrests but lose that extra legroom and cushioning as well as those fixed wing hearers (*sigh*). Is cabin evolution (focusing on Y here) getting better or worse, in general?


Member since 04 Nov 2010

Total posts 155

Losing extra legrom? The trend in economy is towards slim-line seats with better design such as moving the magazine slot to the top of the seat to free up more room around the knees, so I would suggest that if anything we are gaining legroom (or kneeroom?). Even if airlines move seats a little bit closer to squeeze one more row into the plane you'd still have the same legroom as before. Also newer inflight entertainment systems use more advanced cabling to get content to the TV screen so thgere is not always that big box sitting on the floor under the seat and that also give you more 'effective' legroom.


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

We've still lost some in general, given the usual "squeeze at the knees" problem today that you didn't get before.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Today we also get cheaper airfares than we did before.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

"Today we also get cheaper airfares than we did before."



Member since 01 Feb 2012

Total posts 221

Yes, airfares are lower than before, because deregulation and trade liberalisation lowers prices! What a surprise!

According department of infrastructure and regional development's domestic air fare index, the price of discounted economy tickets have fallen an index of ~120-130 in 1992-94 to 50-70 in last 3 years, on a real basis (adjusting for inflation). So the cheapest economy fares have fallen by more than half in the years since Qantas was sold. 

Unfortunately no data on international airfares. Since we have the data, no more socialist conpiracy theories.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

Mr Spinoza, we been discussing this very issue in many threads and yes, I still feel that I can get dirt cheat ticket only to destinations that I do no need to go and on date/time that is unsuitable for me. If you AVERAGE all those prices (for example one way full economy ticket Melbourne – Brisbane cost more today then RETURN one late 90) and add astronomical parking you found that we pay substantially more. Yes some unwanted destination at undesirable time could be bought today at unbelievable (in late 90) rates, bur frankly I do not give a damn – I do not use those fares. I personally pay no less and often more then in late 90. And do not have service at all. YMMV.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

Parking cannot be blamed on airlines... they don't own the airports.

Considering, the governement tracks airfares, we don't need to use personal opinions:


Off my knowledge, real wages have outgrown CPI for many years - until recently. But happy to be corrected on that.


Cathay Pacific - Asia Miles

Member since 25 Apr 2013

Total posts 262

Oh, and by "fixed wing hearers" I meant "fixed wing headrests". Blame Autocorrect not me!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 835

F and J have definitely moved way ahead with fully flat beds, storage and decent privacy. Mind you so have the fares (on a relative basis to Y).

Even PE is in many ways better than what J was 20yrs ago.

Y has gone the other way - to keep fares low the airlines have increased density - by reducing seat pitch and seat width.  This has only been partially made up by better seat design and thinner seats. Certainly the IFE has improved however.


Member since 25 Sep 2013

Total posts 376

Good for J. Increasingly the J product on many airlines are now approximating the comfort found in F that service and amenities now seem to be the (substantive) point of differentiation.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Nov 2011

Total posts 110

The thing that I'm getting annoyed about is the trend from seat back TVs to tablet devices. It's almost impossible to watch a movie while you eat your meal as there is just not enough room. It was even a struggle on a VA J flight the other day!

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