Rumoured Qantas Boeing 787 configuration

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Member since 24 Oct 2010

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I don't know why some people seem obsessed with the CozySuite - I've sat in it and thought it was novel, the new approach to 'seat-think' is good, but no airline's taken it up as yet. There's no indication Qantas will lean towards this more than a conventional economy seat, and there's plenty of scope for a 'different' seat compared to that of Jetstar's 787.


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 109

"I don't know why some people seem obsessed with the CozySuite"

Because if I were trapped in a QF economy seat for hours and didn't have a valium-and-vodka smoothie on hand, I would rather that seat be 19" wide (rather than 17"), have individual armrests (rather than fights over elbow space) and upper body space (rather than rubbing shoulders with strangers). Plus, it is only a very tiny bit less dense than traditional seating, but still substantially denser than traditional seats with one less seat per row.

Plus, QF use Thompson's Vantage XL for their Business Suite, so it seems likely Thompson has tried to sell the CozySuite to them.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

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Its funny that on the Cozysuite site linked they show a 10-across 787 config 3x4x3 - now that would be hell, even in a Cozy config.

Main issue I suspect is trying to have angled galleys/ toilets etc so you aren't wasting space on the aircraft


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Oct 2014

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Depends on where QF would like to use them in their network IMO.

BNE - given that BNE doesn't have A380-800 service to the USA currently, I could see a daily BNE-LAX B747-400 for the time being & a daily BNE-DFW B787-9 being possible here. The market ex DFW loved the DFW-BNE sector since it allowed great connections from BNE to the Great Barrier Reef as well as better connections to MEL/ADL/PER without the hassle of traversing SYD.

SYD-DFW - it is possible that QF could pull the A380-800 from this route and replace it with 2 daily B787-9's but that would mean a reduction from 494 daily eastbound seats to 470 daily seats. The real advantage here is that this solution would do away with the seat blocking on the return DFW-SYD sector.

MEL-DFW - perhaps a 4 weekly service initially, being built up to daily within 2 years?

In the above scenarios, it would bode QF well to consider an 8 abreast Y configuration IMO. DFW represents the pinnacle of QF's longreach network services and it deserves a decent service.

SYD-DFW is currently the longest nonstop flight in the world and at a bock time of 16.5hrs + is somewhat different to your average 13.5hr trip to LAX. It would allow QF to differentiate itself from JQ - and in the process, would also allow QF to charge somewhat of a surcharge (which they already do on DFW) over their competitors. Finally, it would make the trip reasonably comfortable for passengers, rather than a hell-on-earth trip for those in Y. That would be innovative in my mind.

Will be interesting to see how this turns out.


Member since 30 Aug 2013

Total posts 149

God here we go again.....

The 787s will be replacing existing 747 routes. It will be at least 5 years before they have 787s spare to consider any new routes and by then QF will have a new CEO and may have a completely different strategy.


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

I would not be suprised to see a new or two route launched with the 787 (namely the destinations AJ has stated ORD and DFW) and the remainder used to replace the non-ER versions on the 747. Particulary if fuel stays low. The ER versions are now around 15 years old, but could still fly for another 10 years. 

But, it is all pie in the sky stuff. Airlines change ideas (especially QF) every other year.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

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I'd expect a "one from column A and one from column B" approach - the 787 to be swung onto selected 747 routes (I'd think Sydney-Hong Kong could be a starter) but also at least one new 'flagship' route just for the 787.


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 109

Why would QF put the 787 onto the Hong Kong route? QF can't get more slots to HK and they run a daily 747 to it. Plus the 787-9 has far too much range for that route. Unless QF decide to run an A380 to HKG on a permanent basis (and I don't think they have enough A380s to do that) with the A330 frequency downgauged to a 787, I can't see QF using a 787-9 on the route.

That said, QF will probably replace their A330s with 787-10s so over time they probably will fly Dreamliners to HKG. But that's years ahead. 


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

1  Good point regarding hkg slots

2. 747 has too much range for HKG too. It is only one factor

3. It's a bit strong to say QF 'probably' will replace A330's with 787-10... you & I have no idea what aircraft QF will order and how they will use then. 


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 109

Regarding point 3, you're right. But the 787-10 is just a stretch of the 787-9, plus it has a similar range and capacity to the A330-300. So my "probably" statement is based on the fact QF would want the lower costs associated with the commonality (lower staff costs too, and also more product consistency on the paxex side of things). QF have tons of well-priced Dreamliner options, as we both know, and those A330s will eventually need a replacement.

Hence why I think it is reasonable to suggest that when QF replace the A330s, they'll pick 787-10s. Of course its just speculation but its not arbitrary guessing.

wilsoni Banned

wilsoni Banned

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Sep 2011

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Speaking of hell on earth in Y, and a bit off topic, but has anyone seen or can confirm the rumours about QR doing DOH-AKL direct at 18 hours on a 772LR?


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,016

We've seen them but the report remains a rumour for now.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Feb 2014

Total posts 130

My money would be on BNE-LAX, If it comes out with this seat config.


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 109

BNE - LAX is currently ran by a 747-400 on a daily basis. That's 365 seats. Remember also that QF competes with Virgin on this route... would QF want to cede so much market share?


Member since 20 May 2015

Total posts 109

If the configuration you've suggested is the one QF goes for, I'd be somewhat surprised. That's even more premium-heavy than I'd expect, but it probably could do Melbourne-Dallas.

Okay, going by the LOPAs from Thompson, and Seatguru layouts from other carriers 787-9s... it seems feasible to me. The front compartment will get 28J (7 rows, 4 abreast) and behind that will be three more full rows plus a half row of J suites. Behind that, four rows of Premium Economy (I'll presume they use the same PE they currently have, so 38" pitch). Then at the very back of the middle compartment we'll get about 4 rows of 9-abreast economy, and the rear compartment will be devoted entirely to the 14 rows of 9-abreast economy PLUS an additional trio of seats in the center column, giving us a grand total of exactly 165 Economy Class seats.

I think this is also a possible layout if QF do go with Thompson's CozySuite (as Christopher hopes). But its going to be 9-abreast.... the only issue is if QF is willing to make this less of a "hell ride" for those trapped in the back. But I don't think QF will increase seat pitch... it MIGHT be possible though but I doubt it.

QF could, however, fit in standard seats with the same width as the A380 Economy seats (17.5")... a Dreamliner's basic seat width in 9-abreast (with traditional seating) is 17.2". If the non-shared armrests of each economy trio are slimmed by 0.5" and the seats are widened appropriately, that would give 17.5" seat width (i.e. each seat gains 0.33" width).

I will say though, I'm not sure how feasible this configuration is. Do Santiago and Johannesburg have such a degree of premium demand? And surely SYD - SFO and BNE - LAX both would require more capacity than 235? The 747s currently running that route carry 130 more pax per trip!


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