Are pax from other classes allowed in F?

15 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 08 Jun 2014

Total posts 318

Are pax from other classes allowed in F?

Recently flying QF in F. Seat behind had a delightful lady with her 18 month old, whom I have to say was extremely well behaved. Husband in J spent most of the flight with her in the F cabin. Although they were polite having effectively 3 passengers in the suite behind me was disruptive and noisy. I was wondering if QF had any formal policy regarding this? Interestingly the passenger in front had his wife in Y and she never visited the F cabin.


Member since 30 Aug 2013

Total posts 149

Each airline has a slightly different (unwritten) policy on this. I believe QF's is that they can visit and have a drink, but thats it and then they have to return to their original seat. They are not permitted to have a meal together, nor spend significant time together (ie watch a movie).

QF may be slightly more flexible if the couple were VIPs, ie CL or perhaps some celebrity. They may also have felt it would be LESS disruptive to other F pax if the baby had two parents to look after it rather than 1. Its unusual for QF to allow another person to spend 'most' of the flight in a higher cabin. You are absolutely within your rights to have a discreet word with the crew (ie go to the galley and ask for the CSM) if you find it disruptive - you have an allocated seat in F, their guest does not. I suspect the CSM would immediately send the guest back to their seat should an F pax complain.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

I don't think any passenger from a lower class should be permitted into a higher class, it just crowds the cabin, something those upper classes are already paying big bucks for to be resting in spaciousness suddenly invaded with the sightseeing freeloaders gawking to see what they are not getting. I think you should be able to go down to a lower class for a visit, but not the other way. (A bit like the rules on the Titanic).


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Aug 2014

Total posts 186

I am fine with people coming in for like 1-2 minutes but not more than that or having a drink, so it should only happen when it's somehwhat important - or maybe we could solve this issue with seat chat.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Imagine if say everyone in First invited a guest up from the back or underneath or from on top, the airline would need crowd controllers. They are nothing more than encroaching interlopers that simply have no business being there. If its a cheapie single class airline, no worries, but thats what classes are for, pay more, get more.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Mar 2014

Total posts 15

I have travelled in QF F before and a colleague f mine was in Y. He was not allowed at all in the F cabin, however the CSM did allow him to meet me in the lounge upstairs and they brought us snakes and drinks to our liking. this was nice and a reasonable policy if you ask me. You want to be in F cabin, get an F ticket...simple.


Member since 09 Jul 2012

Total posts 19

Interesting situation to gauge frequent flyers' reactions. I have two recent experiences to relate: my last flight from SIN to BNE I was seated in J cabin. A 'gentleman' from Y came to visit his wife/partner/travelling companion and stayed for 6+ hours (practically the whole flight). None of the cabin crew raised any objections and he was offered full service! I was extremely surprised considering this was SQ!!

Another flight from AUH to LHR last November with EY. I paid for an F upgrade from J. This time the cabin crew were quite rigorous in keeping (presumably J pax) from coming forward and using the F cabin toilet. I couldn't sleep anyway and counted at least eight 'intrusions'. On both flights I was not really miffed, but I can certainly understand the feelings of premium pax bothered by tactless interlopers. When I do fly Y, I have never EVER presumed to enter a premium cabin, and will not do so unless directed.


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 04 Sep 2012

Total posts 102

Back when I was young and still at home; when our family travelled, my parents flew F/J and left myself and my brother down the back in Y. I didn't really mind as we thought we were pretty grown-up being by ourselves! However when the plane began its descent, we were usually allowed to go and sit in the F/J cabin for the landing so we could exit the plane with our parents. However this was the 90's so I presume that policy is gone now as air travel was different then.

But now as a paying J passenger, I would not like someone booked in a lower cabin visiting someone in F/J. One of the big drawcards of a premium cabin is the smaller amount of people.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jul 2014

Total posts 36

Well the QF F suite does have a seat for visiting companions, guess there is nothing wrong with visiting someone if you're travelling in a lower class. In the situation which involved two parents and a baby I guess they were a little more lenient which is nice.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

I was flying in F with BA (their voluntary upgrade) while my wife in J where we meant to fly. They allow her to came to my suite no probs. Fail to see much drama with it.


Member since 10 Dec 2015

Total posts 14

U "fail to see much drama" probably because U also failed to detect /notice(Nor care) how fellow pax near U in the same F cabin felt about the rendevous in your suite....just my wild guess.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

My wild guess is dumb simple – they can do whatever they want as long as it not anyhow interferes with what I am doing. So from my prospective even two pairs can sit in neighboring cubicle as long as they do not produce any (excessive) noise and not jumping up and down shaking seat in front and rear. Therefore from my personal prospective I would object any crying baby and young uncontrolled children that continuously jumping on their seats in F and J rather then quiet adult pair that just like to be together. And indeed there was a thread about baby in J on this very site when I said that I personally not welcome crying baby in J because this is not why I bought that ticket at first place and indeed my post was massively voted down. Now I saying that I am OK for a partner (or even business colleague for this merit) to come along in “upper” class and yet my post again heavily voted down. Go figure.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

First is First, Business is Business, Premium is Premium, Economy is Economy, what part of this don't people understand. If you want a different class, pay the difference.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

[Deleted by admin - personal attack/comment]


Member since 10 Dec 2015

Total posts 14

I didn't know personal attack is acceptable in comments on this website while simply wandering off-topic is not.

Interesting policy.

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