Business Credit Card with no points cap and maximum points.

10 replies


Member since 01 Sep 2016

Total posts 4

Business Credit Card with no points cap and maximum points.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 459

Have you read any of the articles posted on AusBT about CC deals? There's no context to your question.


Member since 01 Sep 2016

Total posts 4

I could not post a longer question in the original box for some reason. I did do some reading but wanted to find out if I had missed anything. From what I have read ANZ Black Business Card seems like the best option but was wondering if there was anything else out there. 

Please reply nicely - I am new to this game and the box only let me fill in so many words. 

Thank you 



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,029

Hi Pooja and welcome to the site – you can find plenty of useful info here.

In first box you can only type short question that became heading and then if necessarily you can “answer” yourself and elaborate your question. Ausbt review cards fairly often, but as usual it gets difficult to find those review if you do not know where to look. Google here is your friend – type website in question in your request, something like this “best business credit card QFF points”. And yes, as suggested below have a look at top tire AMEX.


Member since 05 Oct 2011

Total posts 117

As a LONG time holder of the top of the range CitiBank card I can only wax lyrical about it.  It is 2 points per dollar and 5 points per A$ on overseas transactions.  Thsi means that you get say 1 Velocity point (or SQ) per dollar spent locally and 2.5 points for overseas expenses.  Sure, it costs about $900 per year  BUT they are pretty accommodating with that charge if they have to be.  This is a card for people that spend a lot. Then the Annual fee is nothing.  Take a First Class trip to JFK (I went via SIN, and DME to Houston but the principle is the same) 225250 points with SQ.  Spend $15,000 per month locally and say $5,000 per month overseas and you have one return trip per year.  PLUS  if you pay your Tax/BAS you get charged about 0.7% and get (again) two points per dollar.  If your BAS is $50,000 per quarter, you would end up with 200,000 SQ points for $1400 (roughly)....PRETTY GOOD DEAL.


Member since 01 Sep 2016

Total posts 4

Thank you this has been very informative. We do quite a bit of purchasing on our credit card so paying the $900 is not an issue especially if you are collecting maximum miles. If you don't mind me asking - which is the top range Citi card you are using? Most of our vendors don't like Amex despite the fact that they give more miles per dollar.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,029

I am not aware of existence of any Visa/Master card that gives you more than 1 point per dollar. Please let us know if you found one.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,029

And you do not need to pay $900 for 1 point per dollar unless of course you do need other perks.

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Markpk: Your post has been edited to remove personal remarks that were unnecessary. As always, please discuss the topic at hand rather than commenting on the user posting the question.


Member since 11 Mar 2012

Total posts 160

Check the AMEX website.  I believe their Platinum Business Card might be what you're after.


Member since 01 Sep 2016

Total posts 4

I just wanted to thank everyone for all their helpful tips. Sometimes we could read as much as we want but there are many others with far more valuable and personal advise :)

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