Velocity Website - Is this the worlds worst upgrade experience

11 replies


Member since 02 Dec 2016

Total posts 115

Ok, I need to vent…..

IME, the VA and Velocity websites were a bit clunky, slow and visually un-appealing, but they worked.

Obviously, VA knew this themselves so are rolling out (slowly) upgrades to the Velocity site. So far, it’s been painful…. And just gotten more so with a recent change (again). From what I can see, they’re cryptically pushing everything under the picture of the card. Don’t bother clicking the menu or you’ll be taken to a list of items aimed at someone who has never had a FF program before.

It’s seems that VA have drunk the Agile dev-ops cool-aid, which in many instances is a great approach, but to force this on your customers, especially those who are your more high value (presumably), is a really bad approach. And why it’s taking so long to roll out is questionable.

It feels like they’re doing this all in-house, with a couple of junior developers and designers, and probably with piecemeal applications. It’s obvious they’re not actually getting any frequent users to contribute and test the design.

Is it just me….?

Poll: VAs approach to upgrading the Velocity website is


Member since 23 Jun 2011

Total posts 50

...I just wish they'd just remember my login details (don't care if it doesn't remember my security password) LOL (yes, i ask my browser to save it).. but requires membership and security every time.


Member since 18 Jan 2017

Total posts 28

... Maybe you have the World's worst poll? Your answers are opposite ends of each extreme with no neutral.

For me it does what it says on the can. You log in see your balances, see your bookings etc.

Yes, the upgrade seems to be taking its time. But there is probably a good reason from them.

It's easy to criticize.

Last editedby bagpuss at Aug 16, 2018, 04:20 PM.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 30 May 2016

Total posts 18

i wish there was a way to shrink everything so there was more information on the screen at any one time. It feels like they've turned the magnify setting right up in the accessibility settings.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 14 Mar 2017

Total posts 159

It's been fairly painful... The old site was fine.

But it's not "Agile dev-ops", it's a UX problem.

Stephen D

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 12 Nov 2017

Total posts 42

I agree the new site is awful; why so much dead space and a hunt to find your own details. Plus trying to navigate through it is a real PIA. Sure it is contemporary and cleaner, but how I miss the old site!


Member since 02 Dec 2016

Total posts 115

It's been fairly painful... The old site was fine.

But it's not "Agile dev-ops", it's a UX problem.

Oh, the UX is dreadful.


Member since 02 Dec 2016

Total posts 115

... Maybe you have the World's worst poll? Your answers are opposite ends of each extreme with no neutral.

For me it does what it says on the can. You log in see your balances, see your bookings etc.

Yes, the upgrade seems to be taking its time. But there is probably a good reason from them.

It's easy to criticize.

Last edited by bagpuss at Aug 16, 2018, 04.20 PM.

I'm pretty sure there have been worse polls, and was pretty confident this poll would be seen as tongue-in-cheek and a bit of fun. But good feedback.... clearly I was wrong :)

Brandon Loo

Member since 10 Jul 2018

Total posts 105

Just today, they've updated the 'My Account' interface a bit more. Looks like a decent improvement.


Member since 02 Dec 2016

Total posts 115

Just today, they've updated the 'My Account' interface a bit more. Looks like a decent improvement.

This is an improvement. I noticed, when you click on an item in the dashboard, it takes you back to the original site though.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

Using Chrome is always remembers my username and password on all screens, even the side login screen.

I've had problems booking on my mobile through the android app, gives me a page not found. I've told them on the Platinum line but seems still to happen a few weeks later.

I'm annoyed that the credit card entry is divided into three boxes, so can't get Chrome to automatically enter my number. It slows down the booking process so thoughts they might like to fix it, seeing they have started offering flights on lay buy lol.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 07 Dec 2015

Total posts 57

I'll give them 10 points for effort though - at least they are trying to improve the digital experience and they will probably get there, albeit slowly. Along with the domestic food offering, the website experience has always been my two bugbear items with Virgin.

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