Revolving status credits with VA

11 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 461

I’m yet to fully understand the status credit system with VA. Is there anyone who can dumb this down for me?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

Earn 500 status credits in any one year period to get Gold, another 400 within the next year to maintain. Platinum is 1000 within a year, then 800 next year to maintain.

Last editedby jch at Oct 07, 2018, 06:30 PM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Sep 2018

Total posts 375

You earn status credits when you fly with Virgin or its partners (Delta, Singapore Airlines and a list of others). You can also earn through credit card spending with a Velocity credit card. Once you accumulate a number of status credits, you achieve status with Velocity. 250 Status credits would get you silver status, 500 for Gold and 1000 for Platinum. Each status level has a variety of benefits that improves your flying experience, from priority check-in to lounge access.

Status credits expire after 1 year and so does your status but re-earning your status is easier due to the lower number of credits required at 200, 400 and 800 for silver, gold and platinum.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 834

It's a rolling period for going up a level so you don't run into the issue of traveling over a year end like you can on Qantas.

But once you earn a status you only have it for 12months , the retain clock starts ticking, whereas on Qantas you could have the status for 12-23 months


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

My platinum renewal is in June and my gold was November. I still try to do most of my flying for the year after November so if I drop back I will still keep gold for the maximum time. I assume that's how it works...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 461

It's a rolling period for going up a level so you don't run into the issue of traveling over a year end like you can on Qantas.

But once you earn a status you only have it for 12months , the retain clock starts ticking, whereas on Qantas you could have the status for 12-23 months

So to be clear. I have been VA platinum for 5 years now. I understand how to become platinum and the benefits. I never understood properly how the date is calculated for renewal.

You saying the moment i attain Platinum (say 3-4 months after my anniversary), my platinum date is reset for 12 months from that date?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

Your renewal date will stay the same each year from when you first obtained Platinum (which is printed on your card). Once you attain Platinum again, your renewal date will be extended for another year. Any additional status credits you earn up until that renewal date won't count towards your status.

Having said that, if you earn an additional 500/1000 SCs before your renewal you can gift a Gold/Platinum card to a nominated companion.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Jan 2012

Total posts 108

My platinum renewal is in June and my gold was November. I still try to do most of my flying for the year after November so if I drop back I will still keep gold for the maximum time. I assume that's how it works...

If you don't maintain Platinum you go to Gold on the anniversary date and are Gold for 12 months and then you need to either maintain Gold or earn 1000 credits to go back to Platinum. You don't have simultaneous Gold and Platinum status.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

My platinum renewal is in June and my gold was November. I still try to do most of my flying for the year after November so if I drop back I will still keep gold for the maximum time. I assume that's how it works...
If you don't maintain Platinum you go to Gold on the anniversary date and are Gold for 12 months and then you need to either maintain Gold or earn 1000 credits to go back to Platinum. You don't have simultaneous Gold and Platinum status.

Thanks that was useful and isn't explained in any material available from Virgin. Just to clarify, if you achieve Platinum and don't take a flight for two years will you get a year of Platinum and a year of Gold? Or would you need to at least meet the requirements of gold to keep that status for the second year?

Weighing up if its worth keeping VA Platinum or spreading the love and try to maintain both VA Gold and A* Gold with Asiana or similar.

Brandon Loo

Member since 10 Jul 2018

Total posts 105

Just to clarify, if you achieve Platinum and don't take a flight for two years will you get a year of Platinum and a year of Gold?

It's not an officially publicised benefit, but yes currently you would get one full year of Platinum, and have a 'soft landing' to one year of Gold if you failed to maintain Platinum.

When Gold, you'd have one year to maintain it (400 SC + 4 flights), earn back Platinum (1000 SC + 8 flights), or you'd have a 'soft landing' down to Silver and so on.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Nov 2017

Total posts 143

Ok good to know, cheers all.

Ken Oath

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Jan 2019

Total posts 7

Originally Posted by Brandon Loo

Originally Posted by jch
Just to clarify, if you achieve Platinum and don't take a flight for two years will you get a year of Platinum and a year of Gold?

It's not an officially publicised benefit, but yes currently you would get one full year of Platinum, and have a 'soft landing' to one year of Gold if you failed to maintain Platinum.

When Gold, you'd have one year to maintain it (400 SC + 4 flights), earn back Platinum (1000 SC + 8 flights), or you'd have a 'soft landing' down to Silver and so on.
is this still the case brandon? do platinums who fail to retain always get gold for the filling year regardless?

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