Which is the best Virgin Australia associated business class airline to London?

12 replies


Member since 26 Mar 2013

Total posts 1

Which is the best Virgin Australia associated business class airline to London?

I'm flying Sydney-London return over Christmas and need to choose between Virgin Australia, Virgin Atlantic, Singapore and Etihad. Any advice on which is best would be great. It's the seat and the comfort of the onboard experience I care about the most. The food, lounge and any other on the ground extras are not so important. thanks


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 1,285

I vote for Singapore Airlines on the A380.

Yusef Danet

Member since 20 Oct 2011

Total posts 34

Virgin Atlantic. But I don't think VA codeshare with VS other than to HKG. 


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 384

You can book directly with VS through to LHR - and still get full SCs but only 2 points per mile. 


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 26 Mar 2013

Total posts 1

Virgin Atlantic hands down.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 01 Mar 2012

Total posts 203

My preference in order: Singapore followed by Virgin Atlantic. I haven't tried Etihad however the review on this site was positive. I just really like the service from SIA and Virgin Atlantic.


Member since 25 Jun 2012

Total posts 130

If you are tall i would avoid SQ. They beds are not that long and you need to sleep on an angle to stretch out....


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Aug 2012

Total posts 45

Virgin Atlantic - same aircraft all way thru; snappy stopover in HKG, which has excellent lounge; choose seat away from inflight bar if you want quiet, but a good place to stretch your legs. If on SQ777 and not A380 from Syd, some use regional seats ie angled 'wedgies'


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 19 Jul 2012

Total posts 13

I would vote for Etihad, having done MEL-Europe in Business twice, or VA/Etihad combination. Can't comment on SIA as never flown Business with them. VS are good  - did SYD-HKG a few years ago.

All Etihad business seats have direct aisle access and the window/centre seats are away from aisle so no disturbance from passing crew/pax. Also their on board food, being a mix of Arabic and western is excellent, specially the Arabic options.

And don't forget if you are travelling alone and book direct with EY you may get the elusive offer to bid for First Class upgrade. I got the upgrade on all 3 sectors that it was offered.


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 04 Sep 2012

Total posts 102

VIRGIN ATLANTIC!!! Their onboard product is amazing and the food is great, not to mention the service. Also there is a bar / social area for Upper Class passengers so you can strech your legs. Also the HKG and LHR lounge is amazing with the Upper Class Wing to use a check in at LHR. There is also an arrivals lounge at LHR as well. Hope this helps (ps SQ is still great if you are on an A380 or 77W;  if not those angle lie flats with no access is pretty disappointing).
PS - Upper class is Virgin's top offering so you are therefore goint to have the top service as well ;)


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Mar 2012

Total posts 86

My vote would be Singapore Airlines first, followed by Virgin Atlantic, then Etihad. If you are tall, then try and get the front row of Singapore Airlines business class (bulk head seat) as these are much more spacious than the regular business class seats. The only drawback on the A380 is that these seats do not have a window. The service and quality of food is more polished than VA or Etihad in my opinion. VA has a great seat and great lounge in HK for transiting through) and the Etihad seat is ok - however I had a more private window seat in business class but found it quite claustrophobic.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 May 2011

Total posts 249

Forget Virgin Atlantic, their product is tired on the SYD-LHR route, you will get the "old" herringbone seat and service is not all that great (ofcourse if you are sensitive for a hip image, go for it).

I would definitely go for Singapore Airlines or Etihad, when choosing Singapore Airlines make sure you have the non regional C class on the leg SYD-SIN vv.


Member since 10 Jun 2011

Total posts 26

All three airlines offer a good quality service and product and it depends on what is important to you along with cost. 

In terms of consistency and quality I would place Singapore Airlines as first choice providing you take the A380 which is used on all Singapore to London flights except for one - although by December they may all be A380

Virgin is a good solid option, maybe not quite with the same wow factor that they used to have, but they do offer a full flat bed seat that is made up as a bed, very good on demand entertainment, on board bar, catering is being focused on. 

You also have their great lounges in Hong Kong and London, plus they offer the limo transfers in Sydney and London, and the arrivals lounge at Heathrow.  Their big plus is it is a one aircraft service, so no long transits or changing of aircraft

Etihad are also solid and can price very competively.  They do offer the flat bed - but they have a mix of aircraft offering different versions of it.  On demand entertainment is good, catering on their long haul nonstop flights is very good.  They also offer the limo transfers.  Abu Dhabi airport can get very congested and overcrowded especially at peak times




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