Travel Insurance for Pre-existing Medical Conditions

20 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Aug 2015

Total posts 78

I have some family members travelling to the states and looking to get travel insurance which covers their pre-existing medical conditions. Nothing too serious, but most insurers seem to either refuse or quote an insane amount. Can anyone recommend any reasonably priced insurers which perhaps specialise in this field?



Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 286

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Good suggestion on Compare The Market: just keep in mind that the site is commission-based and thus doesn't actually list all available products in the market (only those from companies that have chosen to pay the site money when you apply for cover), and you could also find that pricing via that site (and others similar) may differ to what you can get direct from the insurer - so if you find a policy on there that appeals, see if you can replicate the quote directly with the nominated insurer, and you might save even more. :)


Singapore Airlines - KrisFlyer

Member since 08 Jun 2018

Total posts 144

Your key phrase relating to pricing is ‘to the states’. Was actually talking to a Doctor friend last night. He has a minor medical condition which impacts his annual travel insurance policy. At most recent renewal his insurer suggesting removing coverage for the US and the premium dropped by over 50%


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Mar 2012

Total posts 67

I can relate to the cost of coverage and even being able to get cover for pre-existing conditions. In the past I have found Covermore and an online product called Insureandgo reasonable. As with most of these products the price can vary for thew same person on different trips. They are never 'cheap'.


Member since 18 Jan 2017

Total posts 28

I'm in the same boat and I used InsureandGo.

I used the code Groupon20 for 20% off. Unsure if it still works.


Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 286

Always read the policy with scrupulous care before signing up. Travel insurers are renowned for finding reasons not to pay claims, and pre-existing conditions are high on the list of refusals even though they are said to be "covered". If you were wearing blue socks when your chronic iron deficiency put you in hospital on Tuesday afternoon your claim would be refused because buried on page 36 in fine print it says only red socks are covered for medical events on a Tuesday after midday (unlikely example only, but you get the idea!).


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Jan 2014

Total posts 21

Try Southern Cross Travel Insurance ( - I have found they cover a whole range of Pre-existing conditions, with varying extra premiums, but are generally one of the cheapest.

1Cover ( are also very good - very efficient.
The destination is the main cause of higher premiums - they are based on many years of claims history for that particular condition, in a particular destination.


Member since 06 Mar 2019

Total posts 2

I use either SCTI or Insure and Go, the pre-existing loading is generally not to bad, easy online screening, just be totally honest.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Aug 2015

Total posts 78

Great, thanks everyone - will look into those options


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Jan 2012

Total posts 108

SCTI, CoverMore and Sure Save all offer cover for pre-existing medical cover, but for any cover you'll need to do the medical assessment to determine if the illness is acceptable.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 17 Mar 2016

Total posts 17

Try QBE they are very helpful with existing Medical Conditions particularly if stable condition & will be cheaper than most. I have had QBE Travel Insurance several times over last few years, traveling to US twice, Hong Kong, China & will have another Travel Ins later this year. QBE lists a range of existing Medical Conditions which are stable & therefore no penalty with premium. I am also over the age of 65 so again I do not suffer any penalty due to my age which is an issue with other Travel Insurers

Last editedby GigiPk at Mar 15, 2019, 05:05 PM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Sep 2013

Total posts 107

Insure&go user here also.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2019

Total posts 1

CoverMore paid out on largish claim last June for hospital stay in Lyon. Great service, plenty of follow-up.Also happy to reinsure me for a June 2019 holiday in Thailand. For best CoverMore deal arrange via Australia Post

Whale Watcher

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 13 Sep 2013

Total posts 4

I had a claim last year in the USA with a burbling appendix. A week in hospital then a flight home. I was with Chubb and they were unbelievable. Sorted the hospital. All out of pockets were paid within 7 days.

BUT. I am now married to Chubb as they only made a moderate increase this year and have full knowledge and disclosure of the condition. The appendix is still in-situ (long story). Everyone else basically gave me quotes that were insulting (ie. don't want your business) which is actually understandable.

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