Qantas First Lounge - All Day Menu Classics in the Morning?

6 replies


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 07 May 2019

Total posts 16

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to ask if any regular travelers have asked for all-day menu items in the morning at the Qantas First Lounge and whether you had any success?

To be clear, I'm talking about pretty early, say 7am rather than maybe an hour prior to the all-day menu starting which obviously makes it harder. Also, this is just in relation to some of their classic menu items such as the squid and pavlova rather than the whole menu, which hopefully they're more open to doing early!



Member since 24 Feb 2015

Total posts 62

I have had the burger before - all depends on how busy the kitchen is.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

I think will do the squid as well but worth asking. It may depend on if the deep fryer is on. The hamburger may be more straightforward.


Member since 03 Nov 2014

Total posts 130

Last month in Sydney they couldn't do calamari for me when I requested about an hour early - ended up bringing it about 5mins before it was officially available.


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 07 May 2019

Total posts 16

Thanks all, guess i'll have to cross my fingers and try my luck!


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 07 May 2019

Total posts 16

Just wanted to let everyone know that when I visited at 7am, they were kindly able to make the squid and pavlova for me.

Perhaps when you're that early, the lounge is a little emptier as passengers on the bunch of late morning fights to LA, Dallas, Singapore etc haven't arrived yet which might help


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

Wish Qantas would do something about the crap food served in 'first' in the air...rubbish for the prices paid.

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