Airbus A380

Codename ‘Skyroom’: Singapore Airlines A380 concepts

Singapore Airlines’ latest Airbus A380 first class suites were conceived as a hotel room above th...

Revealed: Airbus A380 first class concepts

These early Airbus concepts hinted at the shape of superjumbo suites to come.

Emirates goes all-A380 for Sydney flights

The well-appointed superjumbo with its first class showers and cocktail bar will fly three times ...

Qantas to retire A380 from 2032, replace with A350

The red-tailed superjumbos will fly into the sunset in the early 2030s...

Lofts and bunk beds: ‘secret’ cabin crew rest compartments

From upstairs lofts to below-decks bunks, here is where pilots and cabin crew relax and sleep.

Qantas A380 and first class returns to Melbourne

The red-tailed superjumbo bounces back onto the Los Angeles route from October 31.

Demand for first, business class sees jumbos soaring back

The fuel-inefficient 747 and A380 enjoy a second chance in the skies, thanks to their large numbe...

Virgin Atlantic planned inflight casino, gym for its A380s

The abandoned superjumbo would have been a posterchild for Branson’s love of fun and flair.

All Emirates A380s will be flying again by 2023

Fuelled by rampant travel demand, the superjumbo continues to soar.

Green machine: the A380 superjumbo gets hydrogen power

The double-decker jet will help Airbus chart a course into zero-emission flying.

Superjumbo superloos: the first class washrooms of the A380

It’ll be hard to return to cramped airplane bathrooms after a peek inside these spacious well-app...

This Qantas jet has an exclusive ‘Harry Potter’ suite

But can you summon a glass of bubbles by saying “Accio, Champagne” ?

Emirates, Qatar give Perth a superjumbo-sized travel boost

Both the Gulf airlines are bringing back their A380s, and there’s arguably no better way to fly f...

Singapore Airlines’ original A380 seats become museum star

The iconic suites will join a museum exhibition celebrating the Lion City’s homegrown brands.

Qantas once ordered 20 Airbus A380s, only ten will fly again

Over the past two decades, the Qantas Airbus A380s followed a bumpy flightpath and at times an un...

One grounded A380 needs 4,500 hours work to fly again

Bringing an A380 out of hibernation is a long and complicated process.

Singapore Airlines A380 heads to Hong Kong

The double-decker jet’s return is another sign of confidence in Hong Kong’s reopening.

Take your home to new heights with this Emirates A380 bar

Invite your friends over for drinks and watch their jaws drop at the sight of this amazing bar.