Vodafone pledges $5/day roaming to remain after $11 billion TPG merger

By Bloomberg News, August 30 2018
Vodafone pledges $5/day roaming to remain after $11 billion TPG merger

Vodafone has promised that its popular $5/day global roaming deal will remain after the proposed merger with broadband telco TPG.

That merger would create a company worth as much as A$10.9 billion with the "scale and financial strength to compete more effectively" with Telstra and Optus, Vodafone Hutchison Australia said in a statement.

"We’re very excited about the future, but for the moment, nothing changes for our customers," stressed VHA Chief Commercial Officer Ben McIntosh. "They can continue to enjoy all the things they love about us including $5 Roaming, no lock-in handset contracts, 35-day prepaid expiry, and NBN Instant Connect and 4G Backup."

"If the merger is approved, it will create even more opportunities for us as a combined entity to drive value for Australian consumers."

Vodafone Hutchison’s current boss Inaki Berroeta will be the chief executive officer, while TPG Telecom’s chief executive David Teoh will become chairman of the new entity, described as “a merger of equals" which would see shareholdings split evenly between the two telcos.

The new company, to be called TPG Telecom, would unite TPG – best known locally for its fixed-line broadband services, although it has also been working to build its own CBD-based 4G mobile network – with the almost 6 million mobile customers of Vodafone Hutchison, which ranks as Australia’s third-largest mobile operator.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

23 Oct 2013

Total posts 699

Personally, I'd like to see free roaming deal expanded for Vodafone TPG customers like the old NZ free 90 day deal.

Currently, I use Amaysim for domestic data/calls and then have a StarHub prepaid sim which provides 1GB for $5 in many countries (AU, NZ, UK, US, Japan, China, SG, Canada, HK, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand and a couple more)

Provided the merger is approved TPG would have networks in Australia and Singapore (so at the very least free roaming between them) along with New Zealand (Spark would also own 3% of the new TPG) which would provide a competitive product to users in those countries.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

14 Mar 2017

Total posts 152

Another company for TGP to ruin...

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

05 Mar 2018

Total posts 16

Vodafone shareholders will have majority.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

14 Mar 2017

Total posts 152

Shareholders don't run companies. TPG managers will be in positions of authority since its a merger.

TPG has already managed to drag down the service standards of previously excellent companies like iiNet and Internode. What makes you think that influence wont continue?


24 Apr 2017

Total posts 79

I really don't understand why they are keeping the tarnished TPG brand, and ditching the worldwide recognised Vodafone one.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

07 Dec 2015

Total posts 52

I thought the same thing although Vodafone has never had quite the same 'image' here as it has overseas. I liken it a bit to the Virgin brand - once innovative and edgy but now a bit tardy and a relic of the 90's...

17 Sep 2015

Total posts 385

I find TPG broadband excellent. Its call centre is excellent, and speeds reasonable. Very reliable.


24 Apr 2017

Total posts 79

If Vodafone didn't have $5 per day roaming, I'd go elsewhere.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

21 Jan 2017

Total posts 50

tpg has no service and bad network, but at least it has cheap price. vodafail has none.

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