UpgradeMe Premium - Buyer Beware

3 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 24 Jan 2018

Total posts 54

Having recently sagged an upgrade on a domestic flight at the lower bid possible by the 'meter', it was only afterwards I learnt that (A) getting a tax invoice for the additional cost is complicated and time consuming and (B) luggage and status credit entitlements remain unchanged (i.e. those of the original fare, not the upgraded fare for which more was paid). My take-away is that it's likely better to upgrade via the app or web portal, at least you get all that you pay for. I remember doing this last year at a cost that was less than the UpgradeMe bid offered via the email.

Is this any different at Qantas?


Member since 11 Jul 2018

Total posts 9

The Terms and conditions clearly state you receive the original status credits and points.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Mar 2020

Total posts 17

Upgrades generally (whether by bid or points) get the points and status credits of the original fare


Member since 02 Nov 2012

Total posts 48

Hopefully one day someone at Virgin will notice that Qantas Upgrade Me give extra luggage

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