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Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

New security procedure.

If your electronic device is out of juice, can you still pack it in your checked baggage?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Oct 2013

Total posts 765

First of all this will be only for US Domestic and US Bound flight from certian airports that the TSA find the need to complete these checks from

Rumors say that "Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy devices in particular would face additional attention"

You will still be allowed to have devices that are out of Juice in your checked baggage and if there is enough time before your flight departs the TSA may allow you to place the device into the checked luggage

Not everyone will have to show their device/devices have power but "certian" people who the TSA picks will have to prove their device powers up


Member since 09 Jul 2014

Total posts 10

I've read that devices actually won't be able to be moved into your checked baggage, but I don't see how they can justify confiscating pricey laptops/mobiles/ipods in this way. At the very least they should have chargers there you can plug your device into and quickly power it up for them, surely.


Member since 12 Mar 2014

Total posts 115

Apparently the U.K. is to adopt the same measeures for inbound flights...

Phil Young


Member since 22 Oct 2012

Total posts 262

Does anyone have any idea why a phone that cannot be powered up might pose a security risk?

undertheradar Banned

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 234

The whole reasoning behind having to power up your device is to show that it is ACTUALLY the deivice that it is intended to be,  NOT a device that LOOKS like a phone/tablet ect, but has internal 'parts' that are of the 'explosive' type...It's just an added step to help security officers identify that your device is legit.


Member since 25 Jun 2012

Total posts 134

My question on this is, what happens to the people who have been on a business trip all day who run out of battery just before they board and are asked to show that their phone works? Surely this happens to a lot of us often. Will they have chargers ready for people to show that they actually will charge?

Seems like there may be some questions to be answered...

undertheradar Banned

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 234

it's up to you to take personal responsibility to make sure your device has some charge on it..'Not having enough time' to put some 'juice' in your device is a pretty p**s poor excuse, in my opinion.


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

I can see now a proliferation of mobile charging devices flooding the market. They're going to talk about it and promote these charging devices on Ellen, Dr Oz and The View.  They'll be jokes made on Saturday Night Live. Not to mention the parodies on Family Guy, South Park and American Dad!



Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 20 Sep 2013

Total posts 317

Right now your doing more premotion than ever.You will allways have your devices charged..or no lounge.Give us a break.



Member since 27 Feb 2013

Total posts 2

Packed in checked luggage? with TSA able to open the checked luggage and search things, I would not dare to leave anything of value inside let alone electronic devices. Nothing get pass them.

They once unlocked my luggage and did not lock it back, so the lock was deemed useless, on return I had to remove the lock, send it down to Samsonite in Melbourne to lock it back for me again.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on New security procedure.

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