Travelex sponsored article

22 replies


Member since 17 May 2012

Total posts 32

Do us all a favour and leave out the Travelex sponsored stories. They're rates are laughable at airports around the world, a little bit better on-line but along with a fee they can always be beaten in value if you shop around a little and don't get sucked in by the convenience..


VA Platinum

Member since 26 Mar 2014

Total posts 88

There is no one forcing you to use Travelex. Whilst I agree with your assessment it's cheaper if you shop around, you need to understand why a website such as these needs sponsored articles like that.

All the other content you consume here is free, and yes whilst their flights and experiences are largely covered by the airlines or hotels themselves being reviewed, their time probably isn't. 

I don't know of anyone who would work for free, so David and Chris etc need to be paid, that money needs to come from somewhere. 


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058


I absolutely understand your argument and if Travelex is silly enough to pay for coverage then good luck to them. But I don't believe we should silence people like willvill.

It is absolutely within willvill's right to complain or make a comment about it.

Unless there is some T&Cs for this site that says you cannot lampoon advertisers? Is there?


VA Platinum

Member since 26 Mar 2014

Total posts 88


I actually don't recall telling willvill to "silence himself" or anything of the sort. 

I was merely making a comment that clearly others here agree with about why the OP didn't need to get so worked up about the article as it's justified. 

Not sure why you even needed to make your comment either to be honest. Not sure if you're just trying to stir the pot. 


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058


I'm not trying to stir the pot. I just dont get why we're suggesting willvill should not comment.

That's my take. Have I misunderstood?


Member since 07 Oct 2012

Total posts 772

I didn't see Gian tell the OP he shouldn't make comments... but if the OP comments on an article, then others rightly are able to provide a counter position. 

On the subject itself, it is a bit rich to be telling a business (Ausbt) who they should accept sponsorship from (unless it is a sponsorship which may not align with communities ethical expectations) if you are not paying that business yourself. Being an expensive fx outlet is not ethical crime and if they want to give Ausbt some money for a little piece, then so be it. As long as it is clearly labelled as a sponsored article, then people are smart enough to understand what is going on.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 13 Jul 2012

Total posts 154


This is a great website, and we are reading it for free, sponsored through advertisement and articles like this one. Surely we can tolerate an occasional promo, especially explicitly labelled as such.

Would you rather pay a subscription fee?


Member since 14 Jun 2013

Total posts 109

Willvill, how about you do AusBT a favour and let the guys who write all the stories which you enjoy for free, without a paywall in the way, earn a living?

And while you're at it, maybe learn how to ignore stories you don't want to read and which nobody forces you to read.

Of course, if you'd like to write a big fat cheque to the AusBT team so that they don't need to rely on advertising I'm sure they would be happy to take your money.


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

Speak for yourself Mal. I rather enjoy hearing willvill's perspective on this.

Have we suddenly censored debate?

It's a free market.

Perhaps we should learn to ignore comments we don't like?



Member since 14 Jun 2013

Total posts 109

I don't think anybody is saying that WillVill has no right to voice his opinion on Travelex.

I don't think anybody disagrees with his claims that Travelex airport rates (well any airport currency exchange shop for that matter) are very high or that you can find better rates than Travelex Online from some currex outlets around the city.

What I see are people taking issue with his objection to 'sponsored content' on AusBT, especially when AusBT makes it clearly marked as such, unlike many blogs.

I also see people pointing out a flaw in WillVill's argument, in assuming that everybody has time to go out and find a currency exchange shop with the best rates and then stand in in line, or that people don't realise their time has a set value and the slim savings they make doing this are wiped out in 'unproductive time' compared to the time-saving convenience of ordering online and picking up at the airport.


Member since 14 Jun 2013

Total posts 109

And in case it's of interest, I have used Travelex Online and think it's great. Not everybody has time to line up at a currency exchange store and by the time you factor in the time it takes to hunt down a good rate, and then judge how much your own time is worth, it's 'cheaper' in the end just to punch in your order online a few days before you fly so that there is no commission, and then collect it at the airport before or after you check in for your flight. If this saves a half hour of my time then I am ahead!


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

There is this little shop on Melbourne's Swanston Street. Best rates ever and no fees. Long queues everyday. There are people who are bothered to queue, including yours truly.

I do not understand why all the other money changers choose not to change their business model. Their staff seem to sit idle behind the counter, while this little shop runs a roaring trade.


Virgin Blue - Velocity Rewards

Member since 25 May 2011

Total posts 13

Thanks for that nugget of info, a competitive alternative is awesome.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 04 Nov 2011

Total posts 235

I find the convenience of Travelex to be their best asset and the rates for mine are not that bad when you organise ahead of time online and collect prior to leaving.

My time is better spent than in a queue to chase a slightly better rate.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Jan 2013

Total posts 108

Whilst I get the mild irritation with sponsored content, I do accept the commercial realities that it's either the occasional sponsored article, promotional mail out or paywall and I'm glad AusBT didn't go for the latter.

As much as I make jokes about the over emphasis on Sydney, David + Chris + team do do a great job and they have to make a crust somehow. 

P.S. I am by no means suggesting that the OP should be silenced. 

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