7 replies


Member since 31 Mar 2014

Total posts 276

I have noticed a lot of articles recently don't have the ability to make comments. Is there any reason for the change? 

I often come here to read the comments as much as I do the articles themselves. Always interesting to hear others opinions.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,016

Most AusBT articles still allow comments, which we encourage as long as they are on topic and add value to the conversation (and I'd point out that many news websites do not offer comments on articles at all, for some it's the exception rather than the rule).

That said, not every article requires comments, and there's been a propensity of late for some considered, straightforward articles to be followed by a stack of ill-considered and off-topic comments where readers dip in their oar and let loose with the same tired old whinges and whines and "armchair airline CEO" nonsense which has naught to do with the article, and it's the articles which people come here to read. (You can probably detect that I'm well and truly "over" all that.)

There's also only so much time we can spend moderating such threads. So we're using judgement to be more selective about which articles have commenting enabled.

If readers have a desire to have their own say on any specific topic, that's what the Community forums are for.

Last editedby David at Feb 21, 2017, 05:36 PM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 08 Aug 2016

Total posts 112

I have noticed a lot of articles recently don't have the ability to make comments. Is there any reason for the change? 
I often come here to read the comments as much as I do the articles themselves. Always interesting to hear others opinions.

i agree i think the one of the areas where AUBT adds value is in discussion, especially when opinions differ and there is a debate


Member since 14 Jun 2013

Total posts 109

I for one am tired of some commenters who think this is an aviation enthusiasts website and can't let a single article mentioning some Airbus or Boeing jet go by without paragraphs of analysis and shorthand jargon on why this airline should buy that aircraft, or who bring their dislike for a certain airline into every article mentioning that airline.


Member since 21 Apr 2012

Total posts 2,058

Im still not clear why "a stack of ill-considered and off-topic comments where readers dip in their oar and let loose with the same tired old whinges and whines and "armchair airline CEO" nonsense" should be censored or not allowed to occur in the first place.

I'm sure AUSBT editors feel there is a good reason for this but it has not been communicated. 

Do such comments drive advertisers away, limit future sources of funding or put this site out of favour with airlines comm teams, whose affections needs to be curried for future scoops?

At the same time, is there evidence that suggest that such comments drive readership away?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 27 Jun 2013

Total posts 72


The ability not to comment is really frustrating sometimes. Articles that should have comments are not able to. It feels like you guys just don't want to spend the time moderating it any more


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 11 Oct 2014

Total posts 412

There's also only so much time we can spend moderating such threads. So we're using judgement to be more selective about which articles have commenting enabled.

If readers have a desire to have their own say on any specific topic, that's what the Community forums are for.

Last edited by David at Feb 21, 2017, 05.36 PM.


the above comment seems to suggest that the 'Community Forums' go un-moderated. This has not been my experience - and IMHO, would seem to have little relevance to the original discussion point raised by @granular. From my recollections, the 'restricted' articles without reply options appear to possibly have been advertiser / sponsor related. In particular, I'm thinking of two Samsung & Microsoft recent articles which have appeared sans comment sections. Hardly the purvey of trolling 'armchair CEO's."


Member since 24 Oct 2010

Total posts 1,016

Hi Kim,

1. Never said or suggested that community forums are unmoderated, and can't see what that has to do with article comments, which was the crux of the original observation
2. Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can: there is NO connection between comments on an article and advertising/sponsorship. Zero, nil, nada, nix. In fact we have never had advertising from Samsung and  the last Microsoft campaign we had was years back.
3. Sometimes we will hold comments for moderation, rather than lock off comments entirely, and publish comments which are in concert with our policy, such as adding value to the article. It's a case by case basis, but given that most AusBT articles allow comments and that we now provide a community forum for people who want to start a discussion of their own, I can't see an issue here.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on No Comments on Articles

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