Qantas Airbus A380 First Class will get a "refresh" not a new design

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Member since 21 Mar 2017

Total posts 22

A bit more on Qantas' plans for a mid-life upgrade to its Airbus A380s once MEL-DXB-LHR is axed from March 2018, while business class and premium economy and economy will all be replaced with Boeing 787-9 seat product I am now hearing that the first class suites will pretty much remain the same as they are today, no new design, just a "refresh" where needed. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!


Member since 30 Jul 2015

Total posts 52

Thats because of the stupid CASA regulations that forbid australian airlines from installing fully enclosed suites, which unfortunately put qantas at a competitive disadvantage. Is first class still being moved to the upper deck? 

Bob Burgess

Member since 13 Sep 2016

Total posts 49

Thank you for sharing that, DeepAvThroat, don't think it's the worst news myself. Business definitely needs that upgrade, going from the SkyBed to the Business Suite will be a quantum leap. But I do quite like Qantas current first class suites, they're quite unique and comfortable, good storage and privacy. They will want to replace the video screens of course, but not sure what else has to be done apart from just freshening up fabrics and trim.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2016

Total posts 117

I agree with the above, not actually bad news, QF F seat might not be enclosed but its very comfortable and plenty private. So long as J gets overhauled!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Mar 2012

Total posts 67

That's not bad news at all. I like the first config on the QF A380. Lots of room, comfort, privacy and no tiny 'room' created by doors.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

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Yes, it's not your conventional first class design and that in itself is something I like. The swivel action is a clever design touch and I reckon it hits the right balance between privacy and being 'open'.


Member since 13 Nov 2015

Total posts 12

So no moving first to the upper deck then?  I will fly QF 380 in F for the first time. From the reviews/photos/videos I think the seat has the right amount of privacy. I've flown F on the old AA F, and on JAL and ANA suites.  I prefer the old AA for the open space vice being hemmed in a box. That said the enclosed apartment like setting provides for a bit more security for overnight flights. Some years back a European gypsy theft ring was busted; they robbed sleeping passengers whilst on overnight flights, plying their sinister trade on board flights known to haul more wealthy passengers - JFK-LHR for example. Literally robbed people blind while the cabin lights were out and the cabin crew were on break after the service was over. A tactic of theirs was to carefully watch which passengers were drinking alcohol. Women who put their purses on the floor by their seat were also singled out. They stole hundreds of thousands in cash/valuables before caught. Not much in the way of punishment though.


Member since 30 Jul 2015

Total posts 52

Is first class still being planned to be moved to the upper deck? 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer - Chairmans Lounge

Member since 01 Sep 2011

Total posts 96

I've always liked the QF first suite along with the service. No complaints here.

Nick Ryan

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 27 Mar 2013

Total posts 2

Yes its private, centre seats have a substantial privacy screen onto the aisle, QF staff are a consistently good asis food/grog -but- those seats and loos are old layout by industry standards. Will hv a chance to compare/contrast next week with F flights in EY 777 (also an 'old' design these days and 380.   


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 01 Mar 2013

Total posts 34

Alas. QF First has become a reliable Kingswood. Yes I know, don't whinge. But, I've just done the QF7/QF12 run up the front and it, First, is now notably worn. Just wish it wasn't the case. The completion has bolted - and I am a diehard QFF. Yes the Board has made some great savings but QF First is on the way out. Sorry to say.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 834

On the money with this (2nd) rumour

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