Thoughts on the proposed 3rd Melbourne airport?

17 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 Jun 2015

Total posts 30

Hi all,

What are your thoughts on the talks of the third Melbourne airport based in the south-east which will be supposedly entirely privately funded?

Poll: Do you think Melbourne needs a third airport?


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 31 Oct 2016

Total posts 206

I wonder if it's going to end up like HRI

but hey, if it's privately funded, let them spend their money. 


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

It's all happening in Melbourne town this week, 3rd Airport out in the sticks and 5th Terminal at Tulla. Shame we still can't get a train into the CBD from Melbourne Airport. With ghastly public transport connections at Melbourne and Avalon, I would imagine this third Airport would be just as marooned.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 13 Jul 2012

Total posts 154

Has anyone figured out what to do with the second one?

Avalon is not running out of landing slots quite yet; what's the need for the third airport?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Jun 2015

Total posts 72

Has anyone figured out what to do with the second one?
Avalon is not running out of landing slots quite yet; what's the need for the third airport?
The position of this "3rd airport" ian in the south east were there are over a million people there and it is quite difficult to get them to tullamarine.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

They would be better off offering to pay for building the train to Tulla and collecting the monies from that keeping it in private ownership.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Apr 2017

Total posts 183

Has anyone figured out what to do with the second one?
Avalon is not running out of landing slots quite yet; what's the need for the third airport?
The position of this "3rd airport" ian in the south east were there are over a million people there and it is quite difficult to get them to tullamarine.

It's difficult to get anyone anywhere to Tullamarine...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Mar 2014

Total posts 214

North Frankston


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Koo Wee Rup International, it has a certain ring to it.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 20 Dec 2011

Total posts 9

Maybe the 3rd airport will be located somewhere near a rail line

. Certainly a sothern airport will benefit amny resedents southg of the Yarra


Member since 03 Mar 2012

Total posts 5

A decent train connection to both Tulla & Avalon would certainly help everyone. A train that rain from the Frankston line to Tullamarine would be the icing on the cake.



Member since 04 Apr 2014

Total posts 136

With the level of development on that side of Melbourne and long travel times across the city this is a logical initiative. Makes much more sense than Avalon ever did. 


Member since 15 Sep 2012

Total posts 99

Avalon was never intended to be used as a 2nd Melbourne  airport. Built in 50s as government  aircraft factory expanded and for jet aircraft training. Melbourne  now expected to be larger than Sydney  by 2050. Majority  of people live in south east suburbs. Airport in that area makes sense.

Nick Sydney 2

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 22 Jul 2015

Total posts 83

Well yeah of course Melbourne needs a third airport like a hole in the head. Try a rail link first. 75 mins to travel to the airport last Thursday leaving at 3.45 pm. 


Member since 07 Jan 2017

Total posts 12

Forget Avalon. It is in the Tullamarine catchment area. The question "Do you think Melbourne needs a second airport" should have been asked.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Thoughts on the proposed 3rd Melbourne airport?

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