Bumped up to Velocity Gold early!

12 replies


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 28

Just logged in to my VA account and seen I have been given gold status even though I only have 495 status credits! Very happy but doesn't make much difference to me as my next virgin flight is in a couple of weeks and flying with my mrs who is already gold so would be accessing gold perks anyway and would reach the 500SC mark with that flight anyway. 

Strange though. Has this happened to anyone else?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Aug 2017

Total posts 181

It happened to me when I first attained Silver. I had 246 status credits at the time -- just short of the required 250. 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jan 2014

Total posts 296

That's great of VA to do that, makes you think they actually keep an eye on their frequent flyers, I had a long break over Xmas a couple of years ago with an operation and extended leave, was on 595 points with QF, all 3 months every email would remind me only 5 points to go to retain Gold! 


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 28

Yep and it means instead of 15 wasted status credits from my next flight I will get 20 counting towards retaining gold (I have no chance of getting platinum)


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards Plantium

Member since 19 Jun 2013

Total posts 82

Does not work that way - status points to retain start at your next anniversary. 

Yep and it means instead of 15 wasted status credits from my next flight I will get 20 counting towards retaining gold (I have no chance of getting platinum)


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 31 Oct 2016

Total posts 206

Maybe they saw the upcoming flight and thought "Ah well, he'll get there anyway, we might as well give him the perk". 

Good on them :) 



Member since 20 Jun 2014

Total posts 38

Same thing happened to me with Cathay Pacific. I think sometimes if they see Gold-level activity, they decide to upgrade you early. You still have to fly enough within the next 12 months if you want to maintain Gold, so it just brings that forward as far as the airline is concerned. 


Member since 22 Dec 2016

Total posts 33

Of course it's also beneficial for the airline, as you start your membership earlier, potentially to have less flights to use it on, and it also expires earlier than if they just left it.

I'm going to be around 990 SC at end of October, relying on FlyBuys to get me up to Platinum hopefully by December (so I can use my status around Dec/Jan holidays 2017/18 and 2018/19).

But if they upgrade me early in October, it means I wouldn't be able to use it Dec 2018/Jan 2019 holidays.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 11 May 2017

Total posts 10

I understand completely.

Had the exact same issue previously when I was upgraded to platinum with only 985 SC because I had to claim missing points/status.

I recommend being vigilant about tracking your status credits in future and only letting Velocity know about missing points/status when you wish to be upgraded (which may come even when you're just short).


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 10 Jan 2012

Total posts 108

Maybe they saw the upcoming flight and thought "Ah well, he'll get there anyway, we might as well give him the perk". 

Good on them :) 


I was on 247SC with flights booked, didn't get bumped up. But then those booked flights took me to Gold anyway!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Feb 2017

Total posts 15

Generally fly only business class except short haul BNE-SYD. Does not matter how many status credits as I get lounge access through the ticket. This applies to any FF program. From experience Virgin FF has a better customer relationship than Qantas but is limited overseas.


Jetstar Airways - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 08 Mar 2017

Total posts 4

Just received my gold velocity card in the mail today after receiving advice that I was being upgraded for 3 month trial about a week ago.  Have been an velocity member for about 12 years but have only flown virgin recently domestically with another domestic booked later this month


Member since 24 Jan 2017

Total posts 5

I am 14 status credits away from retaining Gold (one SYD-MELB flight), and my Gold status expires in a month. Sadly doesn't look like I have any more work travel scheduled next month, so may go back to Silver.

Has anyone been in a similar situation, contacted Virgin, and been offered Gold for another year, given such a low threshold is required to retain status?


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