Qantas Shopping points allocation hit & miss!

8 replies


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

Hi there,

I have been doing more frequent purchases via Qantas Shopping so I get extra points. I have noticed even when doing purchases through the same vendor eg Woolworths (via the Qantas link), I don’t always get the points.

When I enquire they just say it’s not recorded and you will get nothing!

Has anyone else experienced points not getting recorded even though you purchased via Qantas Shopping and jumped through their hoops ?


Member since 25 Jun 2017

Total posts 6

same story here! my guess is that this may have something to do with a browser you use

I switched from safari to some old version of chrome and now getting 100% of the points.



Member since 21 May 2014

Total posts 176

Two quick things

1) Have you checked your shopping history, this is a new feature of the points mall to help gauge if your transaction has indeed landed.

2) Points used to post after 30 days. However people were gaming the system, and returning goods after 30 days. Points can now take up to 150 days to post which makes things harder to track.

I haven't used it as of late as much due to the change in number 2, but can see how it is frustrating to keep track of.


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

Two quick things

1) Have you checked your shopping history, this is a new feature of the points mall to help gauge if your transaction has indeed landed.

2) Points used to post after 30 days. However people were gaming the system, and returning goods after 30 days. Points can now take up to 150 days to post which makes things harder to track.

I haven't used it as of late as much due to the change in number 2, but can see how it is frustrating to keep track of.

1) Yes checked my history.

2) It seems weird that some transactions come show pending in 2 days and other don’t show after 15, when it’s the same vendor.

I have given up keeping tracking and will just collects what hits. Big transactions I will watch like a hawk!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jan 2017

Total posts 45

my workaround is to also enable the va portal, and hoping one will be able catch the transaction


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

my workaround is to also enable the va portal, and hoping one will be able catch the transaction

Can you double dip ? 😊


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Jan 2019

Total posts 14

I think the issue here is the short timeout on the Qantas shopping site. This means that it's possible that by the time you decide on your item and are ready to purchase your session already expired.

You should first navigate and decide exactly what item you'd like to buy, then login to Qantas shopping again and quickly purchase the item before your session expires.


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

I think the issue here is the short timeout on the Qantas shopping site. This means that it's possible that by the time you decide on your item and are ready to purchase your session already expired.
You should first navigate and decide exactly what item you'd like to buy, then login to Qantas shopping again and quickly purchase the item before your session expires.

Great thinking, I have actually been doing that lately for s different reason. My theory was the cookie tracker may not be tracking so well when changing a heap of pages e.g. doing groceries.

Last editedby Aidan at Jan 29, 2019, 10:54 PM.


Member since 05 Dec 2018

Total posts 95

Just a follow up to help other users.

Last few purchases I made via Qantas Shopping I had successfully had the points transferred within 48 hours to a ‘pending’ status.

This is what I did to ensure I got the points
- Select everything I want in my online shopppng cart from the vendors website eg Woolworths.
- Open a new browser tab and login to Qantas Shopping and select the vendor I want to complete the purchase with. A new browser tab will be opened.
- Use the new browser tab opened by Qantas Shopping to checkout and complete the purchase.

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