Booking Multi Stop trip on separate tickets?

4 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Sep 2018

Total posts 9

Hi all

I am hoping to book a return trip to Europe for 5 of us on points for mid 2020. I figure I need to be booking the tickets on the day they become available to get 5 of them (especially if I decide to let the kids experience PE). Buf if I wait until the return tickets are available to book (2 weeks later), then I am unlikely to get the departure date tickets. So, is there any reason not to book each sector as a separate booking on the day it becomes available? We will stopover in both directions.
Thanks keepers of all knowledge!

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

I do this all the time when using points - booking flights in all different orders depending on what becomes available and when, and haven't run into any troubles.

The only issue I usually find is that many Australian travel insurance policies don't activate the cover until the return flight is booked, as one-way journeys aren't always covered and most policies limit how long you can be away for, so they need to see the returning ticket to satisfy both requirements. I had to make a travel insurance claim a couple of months ago following a trip where flight journeys were booked separately (and with different airlines) and they were satisfied with the information I provided, which showed the outbound and inbound dates from Australia, and that I'd booked flights to return to Australia even though they weren't part of the same ticket.

Also just be mindful that if you have any connecting flights, you'll want to book them on the one ticket wherever possible, so that you and your baggage can be checked right through - otherwise you may have to collect and re-check your bags at the connecting airport.


Member since 24 Dec 2013

Total posts 159

Carrier surcharges will vary depending on point of origin. But this is a minor point if your main goal is to secure availability.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Sep 2018

Total posts 9

Thanks - will keep the connections issue in mind.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jun 2015

Total posts 62

Yes, this is the best way to do it, as two one-ways. There are options too, to merge the two bookings in to one, but will require the 5000 point per person change fee, but you may save a little money on the airline's multiple surcharges. It depends if you want to waste another 5000 points per person.

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