Safety videos, "the good the bad and the ugly"

12 replies


Singapore Airlines - The PPS Club

Member since 16 Jun 2017

Total posts 59

I was reading the thread about Qantas boarding music, and some of the conversation turned to "safety videos".
I think the new Singapore Airlines is terrible. Might be a good travelogue of Singapore, but i think the safety videos should just stick to the basics.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 12 Apr 2018

Total posts 9

The Air New Zealand safety rap which only lasted 3 months would have to be up there as one of the worst...

Jedinak K

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Sep 2012

Total posts 105

Meh, at least Singapore's safety videos aren't cringey like the Qantas cricket team safety video. But yes I do agree that the safety videos should get back to being in an aircraft environment because who puts a seatbelt whilst chilling on an outdoor bench?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 Oct 2017

Total posts 12

The sooner safety videos become optional to watch (but strongly recommended) the better. Then airlines may be more innovative and creative in their production.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Sep 2018

Total posts 375

I feel the virgin one where the pilot feels scared in a race car was a bit confusing. Its not the best message to say that your pilots will be scared in the event of extreme speed such is the case in a plane crash.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 22 May 2017

Total posts 21

Yeah Qantas in general is terrible because I've heard it sooo many times.

The Air NZ rap one was terrible and seemed to take the piss out of safety.
But the worst has to go to Emirates, it is so vanilla plain and boring and goes for what seems like 20 minutes.

Air NZ and BA seem to have the best past videos though

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

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Was glad to see the NZ Kiki rap video disappear - it was hard enough to clearly hear what was being said when watching it on YouTube at home, and even more so on board an aircraft where the speakers aren't particularly designed for music.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 15 Aug 2012

Total posts 67

I feel the virgin one where the pilot feels scared in a race car was a bit confusing. Its not the best message to say that your pilots will be scared in the event of extreme speed such is the case in a plane crash.

I don’t like the Virgin one either. It goes way too long and I wish they’d just get to the point and get it over and done with!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 22 May 2018

Total posts 66

I really must question their relevance.. Your chances of survival in a wide body aircraft crash into an ocean is NIL. So all the carry on about life jackets/life rafts etc is a waste of time AA suggest U use the base of your seat as a flotation device.

Re narrow bodied jets.. we have the "landing on the Hudson'.. name another one! Garuda put one into a paddy field and managed to kill quite a few passengers. Other jets have landed badly at a variety of airports.. lifejackets etc irrelevant. Sure there was a Qantas jet recently where the masks dropped and were used, but a lot of the rest of the safety carry on is irrelevant.

I also note that a BA 777 in Vegas a couple years ago had major problems on takeoff and caught fire.. fortunately it was not a full flight as the passengers grabbed their bags from the overhead lockers before exiting the plane. That according to the "safety" briefing is a no no.

Look around at your fellow passengers during the safety briefing and check how many are actually looking and paying attention.. it's not too many!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 24 Aug 2017

Total posts 22

I liked that Air NZ one with the sports illustrated models...


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 02 Sep 2016

Total posts 12

I feel the virgin one where the pilot feels scared in a race car was a bit confusing. Its not the best message to say that your pilots will be scared in the event of extreme speed such is the case in a plane crash.

I don’t like the Virgin one either. It goes way too long and I wish they’d just get to the point and get it over and done with!

I agree, the Virgin one was interesting the first time because it's different and captures your attention, but then it was annoying after that because it was longer. I feel the same way about the current BA video. Very British style humour, but once you've heard the joke 5 times, you just want it to be over.


Member since 24 Oct 2010

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I'm quite a fan of the latest Qantas ones, and these 'travelogue' ones generally do well as they have so much material to choose from. I also like the latest United Airlines one, with crew and locations around the world. Oddly and for various reasons, I have very soft spot for the older BA one – the one recently replaced by the humourous one – which uses fairly basic animation and is set to Delibes' Flower Duet, which is BA's long-standing 'soundtrack'. It's simple, it tells a bit of a story (three stories, actually) and it brings back memories of a number of very special BA flights.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 08 Jul 2014

Total posts 44

I'm quite a fan of the latest Qantas ones, and these 'travelogue' ones generally do well as they have so much material to choose from. I also like the latest United Airlines one, with crew and locations around the world. Oddly and for various reasons, I have very soft spot for the older BA one – the one recently replaced by the humourous one – which uses fairly basic animation and is set to Delibes' Flower Duet, which is BA's long-standing 'soundtrack'. It's simple, it tells a bit of a story (three stories, actually) and it brings back memories of a number of very special BA flights.

Yes, the current United one is inoffensive, and continues to incorporate UA's signature 'tune' of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which I like. I think the previous Qantas video was a better 'travelogue' than the current one - I appreciated the Australian focus, and it had fewer cringeworthy moments. JAL's would have to be the poster child for the basics - clear animations and no music or gimmickry.

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