Virgin Lounge at Brisbane International Opening "shortly"
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Virgin Lounge at Brisbane International Opening "shortly"
Singapore Airlines - The PPS Club
Member since 11 Sep 2015
Total posts 30
I fly Virgin out of Brisbane International at least once a month and I am getting a tad tired of their apology emails before each flight explaining that their 'new' lounge is not quite ready yet. They've been doing this for six months now. Stop it already! Just tell us when IT IS ready!
Member since 31 Mar 2014
Total posts 285
Member since 07 Oct 2012
Total posts 772
Personally I think it is a nice proactive thing to be sending those emails out. If you are unhappy, you could choose to fly another airline or simply come here and express your dissatisfaction with an airline saying sorry.
Member since 01 Jun 2018
Total posts 3
@Hutch - I'm struggling to understand your logic here. You say it's proactive for a company emailing to apologise for a service that is six months overdue. Surely this is an example of over promising and under delivering rather than being proactive. And in reference to "fly another airline", it's not quiet that simple if you're Gold/Platinum to jump ship and start again on another carrier.