My daughter will have a stand at a convention in Baltimore next month and I'm trying to find an option so she can accept credit card payments. I've tried Square and PayPal but they'll only allow facilities for people who have a US Social Security number, US address and a US bank account.
Does anyone know of a facility that an Aussie can open and could use there?
How do the US authorities look upon on these sort of transactions though.
Does she have to declare it somewhere.
I know finance wise, Aust shares cannot be easily traded, ie bought or sold to US residents, a lot of share offers that a relative gets says not available to US residents.
Also the US authorities do ask sometimes, are you a US resident.
At the least find out how they deal with income from their side.
I do realise that Aust has double tax agreements with many countries, whereby if tax is declared or paid in one country, it won't be taxed in another country.
Maybe check up US IRS first for info.
Also visa wise, not so bad if daughter is a US resident, and has a social security number, and everything is legit visa wise.
Does an ETSA tourist VWP allow her to earn income while in the US?
I've contacted all the main providers. They all tell me that I can't use a reader purchased in Australia and I'd need to purchase one in USA. The problem is that I can't open an account with any of them in USA without having a US residential address, social security number and bank account.
On the last post from Andrew, we had to arrange a temporary sales tax licence in Maryland and have 30 days post the event to remit 6% of the sales proceeds to them. I also wrote to ETSA and they said the standard permit was sufficient.
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Credit card reader for use overseas?
Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards
Member since 10 Jul 2017
Total posts 19
Hi all.
My daughter will have a stand at a convention in Baltimore next month and I'm trying to find an option so she can accept credit card payments. I've tried Square and PayPal but they'll only allow facilities for people who have a US Social Security number, US address and a US bank account.
Does anyone know of a facility that an Aussie can open and could use there?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 02 Apr 2017
Total posts 183
Square absolutely works in Australia with Australian bank accounts.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 11 Oct 2014
Total posts 412
@dredgy - yep, an Australian reader & account will work with US cards.
@david69 - have a look at Square's Australian site -
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 12 Jan 2016
Total posts 32
You will need to setup an Australian one - I have setup Paypal and it was not too hard. The reader works great, and the fee charged isn't too bad.
Andrew Barkery
Andrew Barkery
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 21 Mar 2011
Total posts 433
How do the US authorities look upon on these sort of transactions though.
Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards
Member since 10 Jul 2017
Total posts 19
I've contacted all the main providers. They all tell me that I can't use a reader purchased in Australia and I'd need to purchase one in USA. The problem is that I can't open an account with any of them in USA without having a US residential address, social security number and bank account.
On the last post from Andrew, we had to arrange a temporary sales tax licence in Maryland and have 30 days post the event to remit 6% of the sales proceeds to them. I also wrote to ETSA and they said the standard permit was sufficient.