Qantas Club gives access to Melbourne Domestic Business Lounge on weekends now?

4 replies


Member since 29 May 2017

Total posts 2

Does anyone know what times the Melbourne Domestic Qantas Club is closed and Qantas directs all passengers to the business lounge.

In my recent experience this seems to happen Saturday afternoons (twice in the last month) but I'm wondering if this is a general "weekend" policy.

Obviously, potentially a useful upgrade to a lounge that actually has natural light if you are Qantas Club/Gold/etc. member but it does result in an unexpectedly busy lounge (i.e. no seats available) if you usually have access to the business lounge anyway



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 738

Not sure about Melbourne but it is all day both days in Canberra. Could be the same.


Member since 05 Nov 2018

Total posts 4

This was the case in Brisbane on a recent Saturday afternoon, and the business lounge was an absolute zoo. We arrived around 5 pm and struggled to find two seats together anywhere.


Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 293

How is this a Business lounge when everyone else is in there? Sorry, but if I've paid Business I expect Business and exclusively Business. Anything else is insulting, especially the "no seats available" situation.


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 190

Tommygun Qantas don't give a brass razoo about you; it's all about them and how they can save money.

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