Time to give up guessing and hoping for border re opening

2 replies

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 272

Given the constant chopping and changing of new cases being detected of Covid-19 it seems fruitless to continue to guess or hope for border re openings in Australia.

Even the Premiers can't agree on a formula and rather they all seem hell bent on protecting their political future rather than the well being of this Country both physically and financially.

Short of a vaccine being discovered really soon I cannot see ALL of the borders in this country opening for at least another 6 months, maybe one or two but WA will remain stuck in it's sandpit for a long time.

The prospect of a vaccine soon does not seem very likely so I guess we will just have to try and sit this out difficult as it is.

Our country desperately needs it's airlines flying fully again and people travelling unhindered as soon as possible as it's a very big part of the economy.

Fingers crossed for this elusive vaccine!!!!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jan 2014

Total posts 294

Yes who could possibly organise a trip anywhere with any confidence you will be able to take that trip, and in the case of backwards places like here in Qld you can’t even book to go somewhere with any confidence the Qld Govt won’t panic and shut the border whilst you are away, it’s a pathetic joke, best to save my cash to have one big overseas trip in a couple of years time.

regular flyer

Member since 13 May 2020

Total posts 31

so kiwis can come in OZ (NSW & SA) freely from this friday, with no stupid quarantine, but not reciprocal ?

Who does this govt think they are ? Hitler ?

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